King Porkius went through the names of the next fighters, also finding another Camera man as the last one was perfect.
"King Porkius?"
He looked up and saw Jackie and Watson enter,"Hello, what brings you to my office?", "Have you seen Ran anywhere, we haven't been able to find him since the last arena match.", King Porkius looked up surprised,"Really? How odd, I was actually going to ask one of you if you have seen the Enderman.", Watson and Jackie looked at one another in concern,"So, you haven't seen him either?", "Nope.", Watson opened a cabinet and pulled out a file,"Let me see where he was staying, we can check his house.", Jackie nods, fiddling with his bracelet as Watson found Ran's file.~
They came to a small house, it was a simple bungalow and Jackie knocked on the door,"Ran?? You there??", no answer, Watson and Porkius looked through the windows but curtains were closed,"Porkius, you have the key right??", Porkius nods, he put the key in as Watson came back from behind the house,"No movement from the back windows either.", "Ran, we're coming in.", Porkius opened the door and they enter the house.
. . .~
The house was. . . Well. . .
It was a mess, but tidy at the same time? There were many boxes around, paper and even empty bowls around the house.
Watson noticed on the walls were bulletin boards with many pictures of people, places and dates,"What the hay was he doing?", Jackie went in deeper to the house, seeing how untidy it all was even if the mess was a little contained,"I took Ran as a organised individual, bot a messy one.", Watson nods, staring at the photos of people they didn't know.
. . .
Jackie pulled an envelope off the fridge, seeing it had his name on it so he opened it carefully and saw a letter,"Guys, I found a letter.", they entered the kitchen and gathered around Jackie.~
Dear Jackie,
This letter may have came to a surprise, I'm not sure if you'll even find it but just to be sure.
I'm not here anymore.I've been required to leave for important business, it could be a danger to you and everyone there so I ask that no one try to find me.
I didn't want to do this, but the individual forced me to make this hard decision.
I will miss you all, you all were great people and I wouldn't have asked for better friends and family.I apologise you had to find out like this, but it was the best way and, I don't know if I'll ever return home but just know I'm doing this for a good cause.
I promise.
. . .Jackie, I'm sorry I felt so suddenly and you were the first person to actually like my eyes, I take it as a compliment and I hope we see each other again, in the near future.
With regret and apologies,
They stood in the kitchen in silence, Jackie tightened his grip on the letter as he sunk to the ground and began to cry, Watson immediately kneeled down to him and tried to comfort him.

{MCYT} •Mini Stories• <Book 2>
Fanfiction~No One Told Me Books Had A Limit To 200 Chapters.~