Dream: Tommy, I need you for a moment.
Tommy: Ooh~ Someone's in trouble!
Ranboo/Tubbo: . . .
Tommy: It was me, I dunno why I did that.
Dream: -_-
King Porkius: Are you okay. . .?
Ran: . . . No. . .
King Porkius: Is there anything I can do. . .?
Ran: No, no. . . Nothing. . . You can do. . .
Callahan: *walks in*
Quackity and Jschlatt arguing and notice him.
Quackity: What are you going to do, say something?!
Callahan: . . .*leaves*
Jschlatt: :0
Quackity: •_•" That was too far-That was Callahan.
Aimsey: *doing Ranboo's make up*
Niki: :3
Ranboo: ;-;
Scott: So, everyone is online-Ranboo, what are you wearing?
Ranboo (Dressed as Princess Peach): It's my MCC Outfit, bitch!
Punz: Did. . . Did Boomer just sing to me?
Hannah: Mhm. -_-
Dream: *picking his bandages*
Foolish: Stop. Stop it.
Dream: ;-;
÷In The Past÷
Alistair: And that's how we do things around here.
Karl: That's interesting Eret.
Alistair: Alistair.
Karl: . . .*realises* Alistair??
Alistair: Yeah, my name is Alistair.
Tommy: *starts wars online.*
Tommy: *starts problems in real life*

{MCYT} •Mini Stories• <Book 2>
Fanfiction~No One Told Me Books Had A Limit To 200 Chapters.~