{Sam's First Breakdown}

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"Ponk, your phone is ringing!"
Ponk took it from his partner, he saw it was Sam's house number, why was it coming from the house and not his phone?
"Hi, Ponk."
Ponk was surprised to hear Dream on the other side,"Dream? What are you doing calling me??", "Well. . . I found your number on Dad's phone, and Foolish is at school so I had to call you on the landline as Foolish calls it.", Ponk frowned, so Dream was likely standing on a stool to reach the landline.
"Well, Dream why are you calling me, is Sam with you??"
"Dad locked himself in the bathroom and he hasn't came out yet."
Ponk froze.
. . .
"Wait-. . . He hasn't came out of the bathroom?"
"No, but it sounded like he was crying but he won't open the door."
. . .
"Dream, I'm going to hang up but I'll be down there in a few minutes; Sir by the bathroom door till I get there."
Dream mumbles yes, Ponk hung up immediately and sprinted out of his office and out the hospital.


Ponk ran to the door, he moved the mat and found the spare key.
Dream looked up and saw Ponk,"Mama Ponk!", he goes over and hugs Ponk, Ponk knelt down,"Dream, I want you to go to room till I get Sam out okay?", he nods and goes to his room.
Ponk turned to the bathroom door, after looking around and grabbed a paperclip from some files and used that to pick the lock, which was easy from his past thief life.
Ponk got the door unlocked, he opened the door and saw Sam sitting on the floor,"Sam. . .!", Ponk knelt in front of him, he noticed Sam's arms had been slit,"Sam, what did you do. . .?!", Sam didn't respond, he seemed in a daze and had tears streaming down his face.
"Sam. . .?"
. . .
Ponk gulped and helped Sam to the living room, he lay Sam on the sofa as he raced to the kitchen for the bed kit and for something to clean the wounds.
He raced back, he opened the kit and pour something on the rag to clean the wounds and enough bandages to wrap around the wounds.
. . .


Sam woke with a headache, he slowly sat up rubbing the back of his neck.
"Ow. . ."
"Sam. . ."
Sam turned to his left, seeing Ponk,"Ponk. . .?", then Sam realised something, he noticed his arms had been wrapped around his arms,"Sam. . . Why did you do that to yourself?. . .", Sam realised, remembering what happened, he looked away and in the light of the fire he looked exhausted and sad,"Ponk. . . I just, thoughts came to my head. . . And-And, I just feel like I couldn't do much for Foolish and Dream to get Puffy to stay with them and give them a life with her. . . I got a call from Puffy, saying her trip extended and I felt. . . I left used. . .", Ponk sat next to him, pulling him close,"Sammy. . . Why didn't you come to me and explain how you feel?", "I didn't want to burden anyone, let along you, with my problems.", Ponk felt bad for him, looking after two kids and having negative thoughts around you 24/7? That will take a toll on anyone's mental health, emotionally and physically.
. . .
"Sam, you're the best guardian to them."
Sam looked at Ponk.
"The fact you haven't left their side and raised them this far, is quite impressive to me and you can always ask for help from our friends, I know you need help when it comes to your own health and well-being.", Sam nods, Ponk and Sam spoke more about the situation, mental health and possible ways to keep Sam from falling down that hole again.
. . .
They turn and see Dream,"Dad!", Dream ran over and hugged Sam, who hugged back immediately.
. . .
"Here, if you won't mind, I'll stick around to help out."
"Thank you Ponk. . ."

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