"Ranboo. . .- I mean, Ghostboo, do you remember why or. . . How you died?"
"Of course, I do!"
"So, you know why Sam killed you?"
"What are you talking about, Sam didn't kill me!"
". . ."
"PLEASE SAM, I'M BEGGING YOU!!!!", Sam didn't know how to feel, Ranboo was on his knees crying and yelling for him to put him inside the Prison.
As Ranboo cried on the ground, Sam knelt down and rubbed his back,"Ranboo. . . I can't put you in there, but I'll take you to my office to calm down even if just a little bit.", Ranboo sniffled and tired to calm down and wipe his tears that burned his hands and face.~
Sam treated the wounds and, got Ranboo a blanket and a drink to calm the nerves.
"I'll go call Phil, let him know you're okay and indeed to be picked up.", Ranboo nods, Sam left the room dialing Philza's number and letting Ranboo have time to collect his thoughts.
Ranboo stared at his drink, tears in his eyes again as the voices got loud. . . So. . . So loud. . .Then he noticed the cameras.
Looking at them, he saw Dream curled up on the bed sleeping, so. . . How could he be the voice, his mouth wasn't mouth either.
Ranboo's heart was beating faster, fearing more that now it could be anyone messing with his head!. . .~
"Thank you, Sam.", "Anytime Philza.", Ranboo felt so bad for wasting Sam's time and especially seeing his appearance was more pale and tired.
"Let's go home, mate."
With a goodbye, Philza and Ranboo left Sam to continue guarding the prison.=
The Prison was quiet, Dream was peacefully sleeping and Sam was just on the edge of falling asleep.
With nothing to do this late at night, he was bored and tired as hell, hoping to stay awake leaned back in his chair and had his neck in a very uncontrollably position in hopes of it keeping him awake, only it made his eyelids feel more heavy.~
The portal opened and stepped in was Ranboo, but not him. . .?
His eyes were glowing bright purple and could make the cut of being cat eyes.
They peaked around the corner and saw the Warden passed out in a chair, surprised that anyone could sleep with their neck in a position like that.
Ranboo teleported closer to Sam, reaching out to Sam. . .~
Ranboo made sure that Sam's neck was in a better position and covered him with a blanket he found.
Ranboo took a glance back at Sam before teleporting away.=
Dream felt someone breathing on him, or at least his hair.
Dream forced his eyes open, looking around for his cell but not seeing anything before he glanced up above him.
. . .
"AGGGHHHH!!!"Dream lept up and scrambled to the other side of his bed,"H-How did you get it?!. . . Why are you in here and. . Why were you breathing on me. . .?!?", Ranboo titled his head, having a seemingly innocent look,"Me? Nothing, I was just. . . Uh, we'll you, see. . .", Dream awaited an answer,". . . I like to watch you sleep sometimes. And but that I mean often.", Dream stared at the enderman before it teleported away, leaving Dream of lay back down and rock himself realising someone just watches him sleep.
Ranboo walked down the hall, his walk was as if he were awake but never once did this enderman blink and with his purple eyes it was obviously just him sleepwalking.
The sleeping Enderman roared in pain as he held his arm, the guardian had picked the movement that he wasn't Sam and struck him in the arm.
Causing Ranboo to retreat.=
Ranboo sat in the middle of the woods, staring down at the grass and the small puddle that reflected his purple eyes.
He looked up at the sound of Sam's voice, seeing Sam break through through the trees and approach Ranboo,"There you are, Tubbo and Techno are looking for you.", Ranboo stared at Sam,"Ranboo?", Ranboo continued to stare.
. . .~
Ranboo hissed and growled at Sam, "R-Ranboo, it's just me!. . .", Ranboo growled and backed away from Sam more.
"You. . . Are not. . . Sam."
Sam was shocked till Ranboo pointed at him,"You have no bags under your eyes. And Sam never takes off that Hair Clip. EVER.", Sam stared at Ranboo, having a blank expression.
. . .
Ranboo watched as Sam began to glow green and he shifted to another form; DreamXD.
XD glared at Ranboo,"You really are a pain in the ass!", "Of course I would, I won't let you continue this torment anymore!", with that Ranboo charged at XD like a wild animal.~
Ranboo lay there, lifeless and covered in blood.
XD stared down at his body, slowly taking Ranboo's form and smirking down at the dead enderman before he left fir the Dsmp.=
Sam held the sword to Ranboo, everything was in a chaos, he just wanted to get this over with!
Then his heart stopped.
As Ranboo tired to speak over people, he noticed something off. . .
. . .
Ranboo had no scars on his face, from the tears he shed and past scars.
Without thinking, Sam swung his sword and stabbed 'Ranboo'.

{MCYT} •Mini Stories• <Book 2>
Fanfiction~No One Told Me Books Had A Limit To 200 Chapters.~