{Boomer On The Case 1/2}

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Boomer has been suspicious.
Finally after he got the full story from everyone, he saw several strange things about the story of the dsmp, it was probably because he asked a lot of questions that no one could answer because well no ever thought to ask those questions before.
Like, why did Dream do this, why did Tommy cause chaos and importantly why was Dream the only one that was severely punished?
He knew Puffy probably hated him because he asked a lot of questions and doubts the minors, specifically Tommy, but now that Tommy was a legal adult she couldn't use that excuse anymore to defend his actions.
Boomer knew something was off, but no one on the server was doing something about it!
. . .
Boomer smiled to himself, guess it was up to him to find the truth.
Detective Boomer Frog is one the case!


Boomer always made sure his camera was fully charged in case he needed to make long recording which would take up a lot of storage on the phone.
Okay, what on the server was suspicious but no one is doing anything about?
. . .
Puffy did mention Purpled and Tommy went off to the woods yesterday and when they came back Purpled looked to be red from rage.
Boomer didn't know exactly where they went off to, so he couldn't just go to the woods and hope a random spot he finds was where they spoke.
Boomer wrote that in his notepad, then he noticed Tommy coming out of Puffy's Theapry Building, he walked right off towards the woods and this got Boomer excited but he kept his cool and began to follow him.


Suddenly Tommy stopped walking, making Boomer stop and crouch down by a tree, Tommy pulled out his phone and brought it to his ear, Boomer started to record in hopes of getting what Tommy said, he can always steal the phone later and get a name.
"Hey, Boss."
"Yes, I'm on my way."
. . .
"I apologise, I just had to get Dream off my case."
. . .
"Yes, Sir. . . I apologise."
Boomer frowned, get Dream off his case, maybe if Tommy didn't cause trouble then Dream would leave him be.
But who's 'boss' or 'sir's
That's what Boomer wanted to know and find out, come to think of it wasn't this near the edge of the barrier?
He watched Tommy looked around before he parted a Bush and-?!
Boomer nearly dropped his camera in shock; there was a hole in the barrier?!?!?
Tommy crawled through the barrier hole, he knew it was there this whole time?! Maybe that's how those hooded people got in, maybe Tommy knows something about them or, is he involved with them?!?
Boomer didn't know, but he had to follow so after he got a shoot of where the barrier hole was and hidden, he crawled right after Tommy and nearly yelled as he felt his wrist burn!
Once on the over side, he lifted his wrist and noticed he had a burn, he must have hit the barrier by accident.
As he walked around to find Tommy, he dug into his pockets for something to hide the burn on his wrist, he pulled out a green wrist glove thing, he use to wear it when dealt with stuff such as mining but he put it on while biting his lower lip as the burn was painful!
. . .
Then he got back to the mission, as he continued to follow Tommy he realised that he nearly walked off the edge of a steep hill or ditch!
"What the-?"
Then he saw it in front of him.
. . .
He didn't know how far away he was from the Dsmp, but there in front of him was this huge white building that looked like a factory!
Then he saw Tommy outside it, he was pretty far away and he did see cameras but he knew cameras don't have a long range shoot so he pulled out his phone and resumed the recording and made sure to zoom in on Tommy.
. . .
Tommy looked around, left to right, then pulled out a keycard, scanned in this red light and was let in the building!
Boomer was shocked, does Tommy work here or live here?!
But why keep this a secret, no Tommy couldn't live here because it doesn't look like a house or a mansion; It could a be a factory or a research lab.
But why would Tommy be here?
Boomer had so many questions, but he knew he had to get closer so once he finished filming this he paused again and jumped down to get closer.


He walked along the side of the building, careful about the cameras, he noticed there were windows on the side and some bar windows.
He got down to be safe, as he peaked up to look inside he saw Tommy and some man with blonde hair, in a white coat and wearing glasses, Boomer couldn't make out everything but as soon as he saw them he hit record and kept down as he held the phone near the window and hoped for the best.
. . .
Though Boomer realised then that these windows were not Bullet Proof or thick, either he just had good hearing or the glass was just that thin.
"While your information from this week is splendid, I do have to ask why you disobeyed your orders."
"I apologise, Dr Jones. I had no choice, Dream was on my case and I had to get Wilbur on Dream's back."
"Well, you wouldn't have to do this if you didn't drive him into killing you when you got locked up with him."
"I understand, Sir."
. . .
"Well, what have you found out so far?"
"Wilbur is starting another Government with Tubbo, The Blood God is still in the woods with The Angel Of Death, I'm not sure where Sam is, Foolish is in the Sand Biome, Dream is hiding in the Prison and Alistair is still there with no idea of anything."
"We may have a break through of The Todem Of Death once I heard Foolish is planning to seek revenge on Quackity."
. . .
"Well that is good news there, please do stand outside while I transfer the data you gathered with the camera and I can update your tracker."
Tommy then left the room, leaving this man to the computer.
Boomer lowered his phone in shock, was. . .did that just. . . Did Tommy just. . .!!?


Tommy stood outside, bored as hell,"God, I hate this part. Just waiting for it to be finished, I wanna cause trouble, chaos or just something anything!", Tommy paced around, he was bored but all he could think about was getting back to the Dsmp to cause more trouble.
What should he do though, so many things he could potentially do to keep the members off his case and on his side, he had a slip up when he got off to exile but he wasn't going to make that mistake again-
Them Tommy was yanked into the woods!
"What the-!?"
Tommy was grabbed and was pushed against a tree,"What the fuck, security-?!", as Tommy looked to who he thought was a new security guard, he then felt the colour drain from his face and his heart stop beating.
". . . Boomer. . .?"
Boomer glared at Tommy,"Yep.", Boomer held held up his phone and hit play.
"I apologise, Dr Jones. I had no choice, Dream was on my case and I had to get Wilbur on Dream's back."
Boomer paused it, Tommy noticed how long the recording was and even saw himself and Dr Jones in the video feed.
. . .

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