"Hey, you okay mate?"
Karl groaned, wanting nothing more but to curl up and just sleep,"Come on, get up.", Karl opened his eyes, confused on where he was but then he looks up.
Philza smiled, taking his hand and helping him up,"Yes, hello mate, man it's been a while.", Karl nods, rubbing his eyes,"Where are we. . .", "We're somewhere safe, currently a meeting is about to begin.", Karl titled his head in confusion, then he noticed Techno, Ghostboo and Foolish,"?", "You're probably very confused, and Understandable.", Karl nods, Phil smiled and pats him on the head,"Don't worry.", "I've arrived.", Karl then saw a tall lady in a beautiful black gown, hat with a purple vial and just looked beautiful.
"Lovely to see you again, Kristen."
She smiled, she them saw Karl,"Oh, Karl. Come.", Karl looked at Phil, but he nods and so Karl walked to Kristen, she took his hands and hugs him, Karl was surprised but hugged back and it felt. . . So good to have a hug.
"You must be so tried. . . You've come so far. . ."~
The room they entered was huge, it was like a throne room but only one throne and many chairs around.
Philza seated Karl in one of them, Karl immediately resting his eyes and then Philza turned to Techno, Kristen and Ghostboo,"I am sorry Bad could not be included or Hero, he's missing and Bad. . . Isn't in the right mindset.", Kristen nods, Ghostboo just looked around as Techno put his sword on a rack,"Yeah. But we best to catch you up on somethings as well as a certain Rip Off of Dream.", Foolish nods, Kristen had concern written all over her facial expressions.
So, then they began to explain everything that has happened or theories.=
Kristen's face went red with anger,"So. That's where my creature went. Abusing his abilities.", Philza nods,"Yes, we also suspect he has something to do with Notch and what happened to Alistair.", Kristen's face got more red in anger, clutching her fists as she shook in anger.
Techno turned to Karl and Ghostboo,"You two cover your ears.", and they did, as well as many others in the room."XD!!!!!!!"
Her yell of rage was so loud and practically made the room shake!
As the room stopped, a portal opened and out came DreamXD,"Yes, Goddess Of Death-", he froze as he saw Kristen's obvious anger, Foolish, Techno, Ghostboo, Karl and Phil, all glaring or in Karl's case, barely awake to process what is happening.
"O h."
Kristen got in XD's face,"YOU STUPID, MISTAKE OF A CREATION OF NOTCH!!! YOU BETRAYED ME!!!", she grabbed him by his Cape clip,"AGAIN!!!", XD held his hands up,"I did no such thing, Goddess of Death-", Kristen summoned something from his Cape pocket, revealing letters to Ranboo, Karl, Tommy and even some that invole dreams!
"O-Oh, this!"
XD de-summoned them,"Funny how imagination goes. . . Right?", Foolish hit his trident on the floor, gaining everyone's attention,"So, you've been behind everything! That is not easily forgiven OR EXCUSABLE.", XD shrugged as Kristen took a moment to compose yourself,"Oh please, Todem. I never never sent those letters to anyone. And I never gave The Cult access to the smp!", XD immediately screwed up, making everyone look at him,"What. What did you just say.", "I-Uh-Nothing, I said nothing, who said anything about a cult?", Foolish grabbed him,"YOU LET THE WITHER CULT IN HERE!!!", . . ., "Yes.", "Wither Cult?", Techno turned to Karl,"A group of people that sacrificed a bunch of people and want us dead, work with scientists and want to take us to Notch so he can take our powers and kill us.", Karl stared in disbelief, XD chuckle in fear before Kristen began to beat the living crap out of him.
. . .
"We got a lot to tell you, Karl."

{MCYT} •Mini Stories• <Book 2>
Fanfiction~No One Told Me Books Had A Limit To 200 Chapters.~