{Confronting Callahan 1/?}

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Callahan pushed away from his desk, surprised to hear knocking.
He stood up, not brother to pull his hoodie of his onesie up which exposed a lot of his messy brown hair, that he figured to be tangled and he definitely needed to think about getting a hair cut.
Callahan opened the door a jar, noticing unfamiliar shoes and opening it more, unfamiliar clothes but a familiar friendly face.
"Hello, Callahan. . ."
He looked so different, he looked tired, had some black and white veins creeping up his face.
Then Callahan realised, Karl wasn't alone and was with Hannah and Niki,"Can we come in?", Callahan nods, letting them inside and they were thankful that Callahan let them in.


His place was actually nice.
Niki and Hannah were quiet surprised by the technology around the place as it seemed like Callahan was always fixing an electronic with the amount of wires, tools and equipment that lay in the living room.
. . .
Callahan worked on his Pipboy, he almost looked to be a cyborg.
Callahan then sense something placed on the table, he noticed a flashcard was placed on the table and he noticed the three of them looking worried, he frowned in concern as he turned the card over.
. . .
As Hannah predicted, Callahan'a face drained of colour and his eyes grew wide in shock, fear or. . .
. . .
'We know why you don't talk.'
Callahan didn't make any attempt to move, but he began to shake and tears whelmed up in his eyes and shutting his eyes to try and stop the tears but it only made it worse.
"Oh. . . Oh Cal. . . Come here. . ."
Hannah approached her friend, pulled him into a hug, Callahan broke and cried into her shoulder, holding her close like she would disappear.
Hannah rubbed his back, softly speaking and letting him know he was safe and that things would be okay.
Niki and Karl both had a silent agreement to get him something to drink and eat.


Callahan passed them all a card as he drank his hot coco.
Niki picked up the card to read aloud.
'I thought he wanted to help us, but when I became aware of some things and threatened to tell Dream, he took my voice but I couldn't tell anyone especially after at of people befriended him.'
'But how did you figure out?'
Niki looked up,"Karl told us.", Karl nods drinking and once he put the cup down,"Foolish has been on edge recently and he told about XD and what nearly happened to Sam Nook, I asked him more about XD and he mentioned you so I ended up putting the pieces together and I figured he may have had involvement in your sudden silence.", Callahan was surprised that Karl figured it out just be Foolish's statement, Hannah turned to Callahan in worry,"Callahan, of course we could have believed you, but he hasn't done anything else to you, has he.", Niki and Karl knew Hannah would get physical if she found out if XD did anything to Callahan, he was close to her, Punz, Boomer and Alyssa.
. . .
Callahan wasn't sure, all he remembered was XD grabbing his throat and lifting him off the ground, that's all he did right?
. . .
Then Callahan put his cup down, a headache growing more,"Cal?", "Are you alright?", Callahan shut his eyes, images flashed in his mind and felt like his head began to swim.
. . .


He collapsed.
Hannah and Niki rushed to him, Callahan had beads of sweat and was as white as a ghost,"What happened. . .!? Callahan. . .?!", Karl took immediate action, he picked up his communication device and messaged Phil and Dream,"We need to go to Phil and Dream!", Hannah and Niki felt unsure about seeing Dream, but Hannah picked up Callahan and they ran out the door, not before Karl grabbed something and followed by locking Callahan's door after him.

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