{Meeting Their Past Selves}

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Karl fell out another portal.
Karl sat up, not even phased by it anymore by this.
But when he stood up, he immediately realised he was in the middle of nowhere.
. . .
Karl groaned, then he noticed something else.
His entire appearance changed again, he was back to healthy skin, his hair was a very dark brown and he seemed to be wearing. . . Hunting clothes?
"What the. . .?"
Karl then froze, hearing the stretch of a bow he turned and saw a man in a hood aiming a bow at him.
"Don't move. It you wish to keep your life, I'd keep quiet and come with me peacefully, no one will get hurt."
Karl couldn't move, he was in too much shock to move.
Karl was then pushed out of the way, looking up he saw a man in a similar clothes but as he brought his hand into a fist, immediately the ground below the hooded person shoo and the ground opened and shallowed him!
Karl was in shock, at first he thought he would be attacked next but the person just held his hand out to Karl,"Sorry about that.", Karl took his hand, letting him help him up.
"Thanks. . . Um. . .", be smiled, Karl thought he looked very familiar,"Again, I'm sorry. But uh, hey my name is Alistair.", Karl shook his hand slowly,"Nice to meet you.", "Alistair, is everything good???", Alistair turned to a taller figure walking over,"Yep, just had to stop a cult member again.", and once the figure came to view, Karl was shocked.
It was Foolish!
But he looked very different.
His clothes and he seemed younger,"Ah, good thing then. And your name is.", Karl gulped, quickly thinking of a name,"Um. . . Issac.", might as well take a name from the future, sorry future Issac!
"Well, a pleasure to meet you. How about you come with us, we can give you any supplies or medical stuff as you seem to be out here with nothing no you.", Karl slowly nods, following them,"Thanks. . .", "No worries.", so Karl followed Foolish and this familiar person back to their camp thing.


"Hey, your back with a new person!"
Karl was shocked once again.
He saw Wilbur, Sapnap and Dream!
All three of them looked so different, especially Dream!
"Hi. . .?"
"This is Issac, the Cult never got him so he'll be staying for a bit.", Wilbur held up his drink,"Sounds good to me. He doesn't seem to be a threat.", Karl had forgotten what Wilbur was like before he had gone into insanity, and it was surprising.
Sapnap smiled,"Well, he's definitely a looker.", that earned him a smack from Dream,"Ow!", "Will you stop flirting with everyone you met!", Karl bit his lip to not laugh, even though Wilbur was already dying of laughter.
Dream looked at him,"Hello, I'm Dream, a pleasure to meet you.", Karl shook his hand, he was shocked on the inside because Dream looked so much more. . . Alive.
He looked more happy, healthy and just. . . Seemed like his old self.
"Well, Eret is cooking.", "Huh-?", "That's me.", Karl turned to the person that called himself Alistair,"Eret is my middle name, but most people call me Eret.", as they got food out, Karl was in shock because.
. . .
There was no way right.
This one had shorter hair, he didn't hide his eyes and wasn't talking about royalty and yet the Eret he knew had long curly hair, hid his eyes and loved Royalty.
. . .
Could this be. . .?
Karl realised it. Foolish somehow knows Dream and Wilbur, and Sapnap and they all were friends but. . . How did Eret go from this to who is today?
"Hey, you want some steak?"
"H-Huh, oh sure!. . ."
Karl decided to play along for a bit, see what he can learn.


He was surprised on how they use to be.
Dream was talking a lot, throwing in the most random topics to talk about.
Foolish talked about his powers, adventure and it surprised Karl on how different he used to be because, he seemed very reliant on his magic.
Wilbur was just talking about music and how he was going to pick up some minors.
Sapnap hadn't changed but talked with more sass.
And Alistair or Eret, he talked about adventures and his own development of his magic but was less braggy about it all and seemed more interested in talking about events and festivals they got to go to.
Even to this day, he is a BI Icon.


"Today is the day!"
Wilbur was still energetic as always.
Morning had came and they gave him supplies,"Thank you.", Karl then git curious,"What are you guys going to do??", Dream smiled,"Well, I'm heading down to my Smp! Me, George and Callahan started it and I'm taking Wilbur down.", Karl froze, this. . . This was when it was first created.
Alistair then smiled,"Yep, and we'll be joining once we finish some traveling and meet up down.", Karl nods slowly, Foolish then smiled,"Well, your always welcome to join.", "Uuuh. No thanks, I have to get home.", they nod,"Bye and thanks!", "Bye!", Karl ran, he hid in the Bush and watched them from afar, seeing Foolish hug Dream before they split off.
. . .
How did those two know one another?
And why did Eret lose his memory so badly that he forgot his name.
But then again, if people called him Eret all the time then it kind of makes sense??

Karl jumped, suddenly he was in a dark house and he heard crying.
He slowly walked towards the sound, noticing he was back to normal which was sad because of the veins and decaying skin.
But he peaked in and froze in both shock and sadness.
There he saw Dream, but he was crying and trying to calm down.
Karl then noticed a letter, in which he saw blood on the edges of it.
. . .
Karl flinched as Dream looked in the mirror and now, Karl could see the Dream that everyone saw; Broken.
"Keep it together. . . You have an smp to run and protect. . . I need to protect them, keep peace and-. . . And keep Eret safe. . .", Dream wiped his tears, or what he could and then put on his old mask and left the bathroom.
. . .
Karl was shocked.


Karl stared at the board he had, now he had new information to work with while he was stuck in this pocket dimension.

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