Herobrine laughed at his brother, once again he was destroyed by his monster class and with one flip from his finger to his brother and fell back into his portal and letting his brother rage to losing once again!=
Herobrine fell on his back hard, he sat up and immediately noticed his surroundings were not familiar in the slightest,"Where the heck am I?", he stood up, he slid his sword back to his belt and looked around confused on where the heck he teleported himself.
"Hm. I need to work on teleporting when it comes to an escape from Notch-"
"Hello there."
Herobrine immediately spun around, his hand lit up of fire as he scanned around what looked to be a garden,"Who's there?", then someone showed themselves, a lady in a pink dress, ginger hair and was holding a purple rose,"Herobrine; God Of Destruction.", Herobrine took a moment to calm himself, he shook his hand free of fire,"Right, Veronica Goddess Of Nature.", she nods,"Indeed. But the last thing I suspected was to meet the God Of Destruction, in my garden of all places.", Herobrine cursed himself, why couldn't his teleporting worked in escape situations for once.
Herobrine sighed,"Look, this was an accidental teleportation gone wrong, I didn't mean to end up in your garden so I'll be out of your area in just a few seconds.", Herobrine turned away to make another portal to get him back to his class.
"Wait, do you have somewhere to be?"
Herobrine turned to her, noticing she was a little closer,"Well, I have a group of mobs to get back too, so yes I do have somewhere to be.", Veronica smiled,"That's nice of you teaching mobs.", Herobrine let that process for a moment.
. . .
He turned to her, seeing she was still smiling,"Nice?! I'm teaching them to be the fearful mobs mortals have to fight against at night!", Veronica smiled,"But you're giving them a purpose to their being, are you not? I see that as nice.", Herobrine didn't know how to reply to that, so he just opened the portal and backed up slowly from Veronica,"Uh, bye.", "Goodbye!", Veronica smiled as she waved him goodbye.=
Herobrine found himself back in the hall of his school.
. . .
Herobrine was confused, that was the first time he had ever met someone that wasn't scared of him, she didn't even bat an eye at him!
Herobrine just sighed, shaking his head as he went to his classroom to tell the students they can leave and go back to the caves they came from.
As Herobrine opened the door, his class fell silent as he walked up to his desk,"That's the end of the night, go back to your homes and wait for night to fall again.", so they leave, guess they could tell Herobrine was not in the mood so they left quickly and quietly.
. . .
Herobrine sat in the chair, thinking of what Veronica said, was he doing something nice for the mobs?
He shook his head,"No, she's just trying to get into my head.", so he stood up and wiped the chalkboard clean and put the chairs back into place as he left the school.=
It's been at least 3 days since he met Veronica, but he let it slip out of his mind as he had much more important things to do than to think about the Gods or Goddesses as he had mobs to train.
So once night fell, they were outside working on their abilities and for the most part because mobs like The Baby Zombie and the Slime were struggling.
Then The Baby Zombie chased after a chicken,"Hey! Stay here the rest of you!-", Herobrine took off after the Baby Zombie to get him back.~
"Shit. I fucking lost him."
Then Herobrine heard shouting, specifically; His brother's.
Herobrine followed it, cracking his knuckles ready to fight if he hurt one of the students but he saw something that honestly surprised him.
There was Veronica, she had many vines surrounding her and was wrapped around Notch and he looked like he was not able to breath.
As he got a new angle, he noticed how pissed off Veronica looked,"Next time you intrude in my garden and insult me, I will rip you from limb to limb and feed you to the demons in hell.", with that she threw Notch probably 1000 miles away!
. . .
Veronica made the vines vanish around her, it was a complete mood swing!
Herobrine stared, wondering how far she threw his brother!
"Oh, hello again!"
Herobrine realised she was walked up to him again,"Uh. . . Couldn't help but see you threw The God Of Creation a few thousand miles away.", Veronica giggled,"Qnd he deserved it, the man is a jerk and has no right to be a god, Creation my ass, I'm nature and I practically created everything as well!",as she ranted, Herobrine couldn't help but love her response and rant as he thought he was the only person that hated Notch but guess he wasn't.
"Oh, you have a nice smile."
Herobrine was taken back by that compliment, he turned away from her as she smiled,"I-. . . I don't smile.", "But, I saw a small smile, it's cute.", Herobrine still didn't look at her, he could feel his face heating up and he was not use to that, he was to having fire in his face but not compliments!
"I hope to see you around, Hero!"
. . .
He turned back and she was gone, was that short for his name; Herobrine?
. . .
"Sir was that your girlfriend-?"
Herobrine snapped his head to The Baby Zombie, lightening struck not to far away and made the Baby Zombie run back to the class.
Herobrine closed his eyes, he needed to chill for a moment.
. . .
But he couldn't understand why she didn't fear him?!?
He walked back to his class, turning to the sky,"Kristin if this is your doing I swear to on my life, I will murder you!", with that Herobrine walked back to his class hoping his face was no longer overheating from that compliment out of nowhere.

{MCYT} •Mini Stories• <Book 2>
Fanfiction~No One Told Me Books Had A Limit To 200 Chapters.~