{Fix The Wrongs, Karl. . .}

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Ran fell back out of the portal, yelling in pain as he sat up seeing the infection had spread further up his arm and face.
"You know. Don't you."
Ran looks up at XD, immediately glaring in anger,"You. . .! You bastard! . . . You used me and them. . .! You ruined the future. . . Their future!. . .", XD chuckled as Ran coughed up blood, "I did. But now, you have no use to me.", XD pulled out a sword, pointing at Ran as he pulled himself up to his knees,"Any last words?", Ran gulped, feeling blood at the back of his throat, this was his end.
. . .
He then looked at the watch, running his thumb over the Ingraved name of Jacobs.
. . .
Ran laughed, looking at XD wildly and holding the watch,"Maybe I won't be able to stop you. But they can.", before XD could, Ran used the watch and disappeared into a portal!
XD yelled in rage, using his powers he saw the timeline Ran was in and immediately knew he had to go after that fucking watch before everything is ruined!


Dream walked back to the Smp, tired and barely holding his book,"Too much. . . Too much power. . .", at least Jschlatt wouldn't tell anyone about his power-.
Dream jumped at a loud thud, looking around in fear he pulled his sword out,"Hello. . .?! Who's there. . .?!?", he slowly approached where the sound came from, peaking out from behind the tree he saw a figure on the ground.
. . .
Dream felt a wave of deja vu, slowly approaching the figure and realising it wasn't a human or. . . He didn't know.
The creature's clothes were black and white, as well as the skin and hair.
Dream immediately dropped the sword and grabbed the mini med kit on his belt and pulled out bandages.


They opened their eyes to see themselves in an unfamiliar place.
Sitting up he saw a human sleeping on the desk, drooling even a little.
. . .
He looked at himself and noticed the bandages and plasters around him and they were cleaned.
"Sorry if it hurts.", they looked up and saw the human awake and facing him, now seeing he had green eyes, freckles, dirty blonde hair expect for the one streak of green in his hair,"Um, you're certainly in my house and uh, I guess you can stay till I heal you completely and know who you are.", they nod,"What. . . What is your name?", they thought for a moment. . .

. . .

"Ran. . . Ranboo. . ."
Dream nods, writing that down,"Thanks, I'll be sure to find out what happened to you and you can stay as long as you need.", the creature felt happy for the human's kindness.


"And this is L'manberg."
Ranboo smiled at the beauty of the place, Dream rubbed his eyes as he approached the place,"Best if you stay here.-", "Dream!", they looked up and saw Karl running over,"Oh, hey. Everything okay?", "Sorry, yeah, I'm just uh. . . Know where Sapnap or Quackity it?", "Think their with George.", Karl smiled, then looked at Ranboo,"Oh, who's this?", "Hi, I'm Ranboo.", Karl smiled, holding his hand out,"I'm Karl Jacobs.", Ranboo was surprised as they shook his hand,"Wait, is this yours then?", Karl was confused as well as Dream, but Ranboo pulled out a gold watch and showing Karl, he took it and looked at the sides and saw his last name Ingraved,"Oh. . . I don't remember, owning this.", Dream was glad he was wearing a mask because he was in shock that Ranboo had that.
Karl smiled,"But, um thanks?", Ranboo smiled and went off to look around L'manberg.


Karl frowned at he stared at the watch, he had no memory of owning this watch or even having a watch like this because this looked to be an old Pocket Watch.
Karl dropped it suddenly when it began to tick and the handles turn back anticlockwise!
"What. . . What the?!"
Suddenly a bright light flashed.


Karl found himself behind a hill,"Huh. . .", "Do it Techno!", Karl frowned, he went up the hill and noticed.-
. . .
He was shocked. He saw The Red Festival and even himself in the audience, in his shock he lost his footing and fell,"ACK!", he fell and hit the bottom, he sat up and rubbed his head and noticed something.
The button?
He crawled over, confused and dug a little into the hill and noticed. . . The TNT?!?
Immediately Karl grabbed the button in fear and ran to hide, while hiding he saw Wilbur run and-. . .
"Where's the button?!"
Karl was surprised, seeing Wilbur looking confused and looking around but. . . This was when they would blow up L'manberg.
Suddenly it faded away.


Karl stood up from the floor, shaking and trying to regain his composer.


Karl walked around the smp, wonder around the smp staring at the watch.
. . .
Then he noticed Philza,"? What's Philza-?", "Oh, you didn't hear?", he turned and saw Tubbo,"He came to stop Wilbur from blowing up L'manberg after his failed attempt number 1. But Wilbur forced Philza to kill him, now Philza's staying here at least until his wing heals and helps rebuild.", Karl blinked a few times, but Tubbo didn't notice his confusion and left him there.
. . .
Karl pulled out his watch, confused as hell because. . . Wilbur successed the first time, so why are they saying he failed for the first time. . .???
. . .


Ran rested his eyes and waited to be put in another fight against whoever but he was just exhausted.
"And this is Ran."
He opened his eyes and felt surprised and happy, seeing no other than Karl holding a camera and King Porkius.
"Hi, nice to meet you."
. . .
"Hello Karl."

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