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"Just tell us kid."
Ranboo sat in the police station room, his hands cuffed and his mask and glasses confiscated, he was a shaking mess and looked to be on the verge of tears.
The cop across from him, she was tired but wanted answers,"You mentioned that if you didn't do this, someone would kill you. We can protect you from them, but you have to tell us.", Ranboo looked at the police woman, inhaling sharply before he releasing his breath.
". . . The Fazbear Killer."
The cop looked up, shocked, Ranboo bit his lip,"He said if I didn't obey him, he'd kill me. . . He said, to nab any kid leaving and bring him it, and to knock the guard out to get the job down easily.", Ranboo began to cry, the cop felt bad for the boy as it really did look like he didn't want to do this.
"Where is The Fazbear Killer? Who is it, where is he going and who may be his next victim."
Ranboo turned his head to the wall, seeing multiple photos of kids that had gone missing because of the man that practically inslaved him.
. . .
He didn't have much time.
"His name is XD, I don't know his real name but he's own his way to finish the job with the kid!", Ranboo watched the woman stand up, in shock he then fell to his knees in pain,"Please. . .! Please lock me up, you'll get hurt!. . .", the cop had to listen, noticing his eyes changing purple so she immediately locked Ranboo inside a patted room.
"We need officers down at ****!"


It had been a few weeks since that incident.
Dream has been going to therapy, Sam was still recovering but was improving and talking but couldn't really walk yet and the doctor has been helpful around the house and got to know the kid and the parent well.
Dream learned the doctor's name was Ponk, a very nice guy that Dream grew to he attached to really quickly, he saw Dr Ponk as another friend, and he often asked a bunch of questions about Ponk and his job as a doctor, and Ponk was happy to answer them all.


Ponk picked up Dream,"Bedtime, Dream.", Dream didn't fight and was just tried,"Okie. . . Where will you sleep?", "I'll be in the room next to yours, if you need me you know where to find me.", Dream nods, they enter his room and Ponk lay Dream down in bed, giving him a Creeper Toy that he clung to a lot.
He tucked him in,"Goodnight, Dream.", Dream smiled as Ponk tucked him in and turned to leave, Dream snuggled under the covers that were really warm.
"Night Mommy."
Ponk paused before he closed the door, he looked back at Dream who seemed to be sleeping.
". . ."
Ponk closed the door, not knowing how to feel about being called Mom.
It was nice the kid saw him as a parental figure, but he knew he couldn't stick around forever as he was just hear till Sam and Dream get better.
After checking on Sam one more time, he went into his room to sleep himself.


Dream opened his eyes, feeling tried and cold which was odd because of the covers.
Dream turned to his left and gasped.
There kneeling by his bed was a boy, he seemed to be at least 10 or 11, short brown hair, white T-Shirt, shorts and trainers.
"Don't be afraid. I don't want to hurt you, I want to help you.", Dream nods slowly, the boy pulled Dream out of bed and had the sleeping boy stand up and make him look at him in the eyes,"You must listen, the man that made Ranboo want you dead is heading his way.", Dream froze up, memories coming back like a rushing river.
Dream began to shake, the kid held the boy close,"Don't worry.", the kid lead Dream out into the hall, Dream immediately lifted the home phone and dialed number one,". . . Hello? M-My name is D-Dream WasTaken, u-um. . . The-The scary man is coming to my house. . . I don't want Daddy or Mommy to die. . .!", "O-Okay, don't worry kiddo, cops are on their way.", Dream whimpered as he looked around the dark house, he didn't want to wake Ponk or Sam and put them in more danger again.
Dream turned to the kid, who was taller than him by a lot,"What's your name?", ". . . Noah.", Dream smiled, and offered his hand,"Nice to meet you, Noah.", Noah smiled, shaking his hand.
Both jumped at the sound of a creaking door, they turned and to Noah's horror a very slim but tall man entered the house, holding a knife, his face covered and looked like he may be unwell with his unhealthy skin.
Dream and Noah snuck off to a closest and both bunkered down there.
. . .
The Man walked around the dark house, taking in every small detail he could about it.
He looked inside a room and saw a sleeping Sam, he left the door a jar open and continued down the hall.
"Oh where. . . Oh where are you. . ."
Dream and Noah sat in the dark, well sort of in the dark because Noah had a glow to him, until they could hear a police siren or cop yelling.
. . .
Dream jumped.
XD stabbed a picture of Noah on the wall, cracking the glass and ripping the picture.
XD looked around the empty house, walking towards the closet.
. . .
Dream began to shake more with tears whelming up, hearing something drag against the wood.
Noah looked around the small space and took notice of a small space,"Hey.", Noah had Dream crawl in the small gap,"Stay here.", Dream nods, covering his mouth and trying to keep his sobs quiet.
. . .
Noah appeared out in the hall, seeing XD opening the closet door and trying to find Dream.
"He's gone."
XD froze as he looked up, turning around he saw Noah and was the one child he killed that dared to define him.
"You won't get away with this."
"We shall see. . . About that."


Sam awoke to the sound of banging and smashing, sitting up in a confused state.
He reached into his dresser and pulled out his old flashlight, it was used on burglars that entered the Pizzera and always knocked them out like a charm.
He stood up, a little weak on his legs but managed to regain his balance.
. . .
Sam opened his door more and his horror he saw a man in a green bagy uniform, looking like his bones were sticking out of his skin.
Sam raised the light as he noticed the man had a knife, so as quietly as he could he approached the man from behind.
The man feel like a bag of bricks, Sam looked down and lightly kicked the man to be sure he was out and thankfully it seemed like the case.
Sam sighed with relief, but then looked up and froze.
. . .
Sam and Noah stared at one another.
. . .
"N. . . Noah. . .?"
Suddenly police sirens filled the air, Sam turned away for a moment to see Dream come out and Ponk, and turn back to see Noah gone.
. . .
"Let's go."


"That man is XD?", the police woman nods, "Yes, he was a man that played with dark forces of life, black magic to get results of what he wanted. Thus why he is a wanted man.", Dream was in an ambulance as the adults spoke.
"Will he go to jail?"
"More like a mental hospital."
Sam nods, thankful that this would be over soon.
"NOT. . . SO FAST."
Cops pulled their guns and turned to see XD holding Ponk at knife point.
"I ain't going down. . . Without finishing what I fucking started!. . ."
XD chuckled, pressing the knife a little harder against Ponk's neck,"And risk shooting an innocent?", cops were glaring and ready to fire, Dream watching in fear as well as Sam.
He had too grown attached to doc that looked after his child and helped him back to health.
Only XD chose to mess with the wrong doc.
As Ponk felt his blood slip down his neck, he reached his pocket and pulled out an empty syringe, cops took notice and even if they knew what would happen if Ponk did it, they allowed it to happen.
Ponk injected an empty syringe into XD's arm with full force.
XD'S arm came numb and dropped Ponk, stumbling himself to the ground and another doctor and cops surround him.
Dream and Sam rushed to Ponk, luckily only little skin was ripped and easily bandaged so there was nothing to worry about.
Sam sat Ponk up, wrapping a bandage around his neck,"Daddy. . . Is Mommy okay?", Sam and Ponk look at Dream, Sam was surprised by what he had called Ponk and Ponk fought back a smile and felt his face heat up.


Dream watched cartoons as cops had finished up, none of them were going back to sleep till they know that man is dead.
"I am so sorry you got caught up in all of this.", Ponk shrugged,"It is alright, I kind of had a feeling I would get caught up in something when I decided to help.", Sam sighed, looking at his son watching the cartoons, then turning to Ponk,"How about I make it up to you, do you fancy dinner?", Ponk looked at Sam, breaking into a small smile,"Sure. . .!", "So, I have a new Mommy??", they turned saw Dream looking at them with a smile.
Noah smiled too, watching them from the window, he wasn't leaving anytime soon.
He had to stay and protect.

{MCYT} •Mini Stories• <Book 2>Where stories live. Discover now