. . .
"Callahan do you speak?"
He looked up at Alyssa, surprised at that question, he shook his head,"Does anyone ask why?", Callahan shook his head again, only times they asked was when he stopped talking completely.
. . .
"Can you try to speak? For me??"
Callahan shook his head, he showed her how his voice really was gone because if he tried nothing came out only a weak rasp, he looked awa, Alyssa smiled and just hugged him,"It's okay, you tried.", Callahan smiled and was glad to have someone like Alyssa.=
"I have to go. . ."
Callahan didn't want her to leave, Alyssa smiled softly,"I promise to write to you, and I promise to try and visit.", Callahan nods, Alyssa reached into her bag and gave Callahan a Gladiolus, he took it and looked at her,"It's a symbol of hope, I promise things will be better I just hope to be back when the war calms down.", Callahan nods, so he let her go and watched her walk away off the the smp.
. . .
I'll miss you.=
Callahan coughed up more blood, he again attempted to talk again and XD made him pay for it.
Callahan shook and sunk to the floor, he could scream or shout and could holding hug himself as he cried into his knees.
. . .
He looked up and saw Niki,"Are you okay!?- Is that blood?", before Callahan could wave her off, he coughed up more blood into his hands, immediately Niki helped Callahan up and hold a towel to his mouth,"Here, let's get water and get you to bed.", Callahan nods letting Niki take him to his room.=
So Foolish is the new pet?
Guess that leaves him out of the lime light for a bit, which let Callahan breath a sigh of relief.
But he still had much to do.=
**Random question:
What is the difference between making so many videos on your favourite character and being an apologist or taking stuff out of the original story to make your AU make sense?**

{MCYT} •Mini Stories• <Book 2>
Fanfiction~No One Told Me Books Had A Limit To 200 Chapters.~