{The Other Time Traveller}

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Karl paced around the limbo that claimed to be XD's, he was stressed, confused and tried.
Karl looked up, seeing Ran with his book and fixing his coat,"Ran, hi! Sorry, no I'm fine, completely fine.", Ran raised his eye brow, obviously not buying it so Karl sighed and just sat down on the one of the hands of the clock on the ground,"Sorry. . . It's just hard, going to the past or future, meeting these people I get attached to and end up losing them all, my memory is literally dying, my two fiancées literally tried to kill two people, a friend and a kid, so right now I'm feeling the lowest of the low.", Ran felt bad, he really did for the young Time Traveller.
. . .
Karl looked up and saw Ran took a seat next to him,"Karl, I wanna tell you something important but promise you'll keep it to yourself.", Karl was confused, but he trusted Ran more than anyone at this point besides a few people on the Dsmp,"Of course.", Ran looked at him, thinking of the best way to put this.
. . .
"I'm Ranboo."
Karl stared at him. Blinking a way times with a blank stare and smile.
"W h a t?"
Karl pinched himself,"Am I-? No, but how-? Ranboo is from the present, in your terms it would be from the past and your from the future so how-?", Ran held up his hand, Karl stopped talking and Ran began to talk.
"You see, like you I am a Time Traveller, but because I'm not exactly human or from a family of Time Travellers, the side effects will hit me more and begin to corrupt me.", he raised his arm and rolled his sleeve up, Karl was shocked to see a patch of white on his arm but unlike just infecting the veins it was spreading to his skin as well.
Ran rolled his sleeve back down,"Eventually, I'll lose my memory and XD will get rid of me, but failed and sends me to your time and Dream finds me, heals me and brings me back to The Dsmp.", Karl nods slowly, Ran continued,"So, Ranboo is me in the future just in the past and he doesn't remember anything I do or meeting you.", Karl gulps,"Probably best like that. . .", Ran nods, Karl fiddled with his sleeves,"So, Ranboo was the other Time Traveller.", "Karl listen to me.", Karl looked at him, Ran showed no fear, stressed but in his voice it was obvious this was serious,"I know this is a lot to ask, but no matter what don't forget your a Time Traveller, last I want is XD to hurt you and send you to another time confused and, no matter what; Do not trust XD.", Karl nods, Ran continued,"I know he states he's a God, and even if he admitted to you still, do not trust him or tell him anything, he's a creature gone rouge that will lie and deceive those around him. He didn't make you a Time Traveller, your mother was one herself and it runs in your family.", Karl was surprised, and Ran wasn't lying about it,"XD will do what he can to gain power, he's a creature that was at first here for good but the worshiping and attention got to his head and now he's going to doom the Dsmp.", Karl was shocked, he looked around nervously for XD to pop up, he looked back at Ran,"B. . . What can I do, everyone trusts him. . .", "Not everyone. Just trust me when I say; Do not trust him, be careful who you do trust.", Karl nods, writing it down in his book, then he looks at Ran,"Wait, is there a way to stop him?. . .", Ran looked around, he stood up and Karl continued to write as he waited for an answer.
"Don't let Alistair lose his three lives."
Karl frowned, he looked up,"Wait who's-?. . . Ran?", Ran was gone, he looked around for him,"Wait- Who's Alistair, I don't know an Alistair???", Karl looked around confused, before he groaned and hit himself with a book.


Karl locked his door again, putting the notes up the billboard and stepped back at his work.
. . .
Karl then took another sticky note, writing something down and sticking it on the board.

Karl admired it, also he loved the details he let Robin and the twins put on the board, he loved it

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Karl admired it, also he loved the details he let Robin and the twins put on the board, he loved it.
He stared at the new note with the name Alistair on it,"Who's Alistair. . .? Do I even know an Alistair?", Karl leaned back and stared at the board trying to think.

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