It was dark.
. . .
But he could see him right in front of him, being able to identify who they are with their black cloak.
"Tick. . . Tock. . ."
They turned, unable to see their eyes but could see their rotting pale skin, decaying teeth and their voice sounded like chalk on a blackboard.
"We'll be meeting again soon."
"Me and our client."
"And this time. You, your brother and family won't be escaping easily."=
Dream woke with a start, finding himself still in bed and hadn't shoot up like he use to when he'd see in his dreams but now it's like he's grown numb to it, but the feeling of them returning and coming still haunts him to this day.
He rested his eyes and tried to go back to sleep, the bed was warm and he was pretty comfortable and felt safe at last.
Dream groaned, reaching under the pillow and answered his phone, putting it on speaker and on the bedside table,"Hello. . .?", "Oh, sorry, did I wake you?", "Mhm. . .", it was Wilbur, Dream continued to keep his eyes closed,"What is it. . . I'm tired. . .", "I know, I know you're sleeping. . . But, you need to get to Techno's place. It's about The Egg and Foolish.", Dream opened his eyes, sitting up and grabbing the phone,"What.", "We'll explain everything, just get down here.", Dream nods, getting out of bed and rushing to get his shit together.~
Dream walked through the snow, it was kind of windy and snow was in his face and making him wish to be back in bed, but he had to find ot what was going on.
Tommy opened the door and there stood Dream, Dream was shocked to see Tommy here while Tommy was a little scared for him to be here but Wilbur rushed over,"Great! Tommy has to be here because he can't get infected!", Wilbur grabbed Dream by the arm and pulled him inside before looking around outside and shutting the door.
Dream saw Techno, Foolish, Eret, Ghostboo and Niki,"Uhhh.", "Welcome Dream, we have serious matters to talk about.", Dream nods, fixing his hood and mask, walking to the table to join the table discussion.~
Ghostboo showed them a book,"I found this.", Philza took it and opened it,". . . It's written by Karl.", everyone listened as Philza read,"It reads, 'I apologise for leaving like I did, I am in a bit of a situation but I've found a way to send notes or books to you guys, hopefully this is enough to help you guys with The Egg.', then it's sighed with his name.", Niki had a worried look,"I'm worried, where is he. . .", "I don't know.", Philza opened the book and placed it on the table.
Techno was impressed,"Seems like he's been working hard. Drawings off the Egg and even some experiments.", Philza noted that this was all amazing though he worried how Karl obtained this information because this could have existed for years.
"Hey, look at this."
Eret pointed to a whole page, Dream took it and also began to read allowed.
"After some research, I've learned more about The Egg or rather how it works."
"I've learned that this Egg, it will choose a any being whether mortal or God, The Egg it will choose a Vessel as to drain their life to be able to grow."
"Bad being a Demon would be enough, but eventually Bad will fall like the last Guardian so The Egg will need something to keep it alive forever."
"I've noticed that The Egg has been gaining more power and it seems it's power is in two separate places, is it possible The Egg has put it's main power two vessels?"Dream was shocked, Philza leaned forward,"Two?!", "So, the Egg thought ahead?!", Techno groaned, Tommy leaned forward,"Well, who is the other vessel?" Dream scanned the book more,"According to Karl, he suspects that the virus could be transferred through open wounds or the infected killing or slashing them with a sword or any weapon. Did anyone have an open wound during any time of The Egg?", they all shook their heads, but then they saw the shock of Foolish's face,"Foolish?", "I-. . . Bad killed me.", everyone turned to him,"He. . . Stabbed me so. . . That does me. . .", Dream froze,"Wait. . . Does that mean-", Foolish groaned and hit himself,"Fuck!", "It's not your fault, Foolish.", Niki gave him a hug, Eret turned to Dream,"You think he did it on purpose?", "Maybe. I dunno.", Foolish took a deep breath,"So. . . The Egg is feeding off me.", they nod, Foolish sighed heavily,"We'll find a way to fix this, Ghostboo maybe leave a note where you found this for Karl.", he nods,"Okay!", Foolish was quiet, he didn't think. . .
. . .~
Dream hugged Foolish, obviously scared for him,"I'm so sorry. . .", "No, Dream. . . I'm sorry, I should have been more careful and if I hadn't been so dependent on my magic then. . . Maybe things would have been different.", Dream and Eret were both concerned and worried for him,"Don't worry, I can handle it.", Eret was slightly convinced, but Dream knew that if The Egg was feeding off Foolish then there is no doubt in his mind that the nightmare in Foolish's mind will take advantage of this.
Foolish felt weak.
He looked in the mirror and saw The Todem Of Death, smirking,"Feeling the effects now?", Foolish glared back, they continued,"You know, I haven't felt this much energy in so long. I should thank Bad. Maybe soon, I'll be back in control.", "I'll never let that happen.", The Todem Of Death laughed, it made Foolish shriver,"Don't make me laugh, I'll back stronger than ever. And I'll be sure this smp is nothing but Ash.", "SHUT FUCK UP!!", Foolish punched the mirror, shattering it to pieces, seeing the mirror now shattered and pieces on the ground, Foolish ignore the blood on his fist and just did his best to hold back tears.
. . .

{MCYT} •Mini Stories• <Book 2>
Fanfiction~No One Told Me Books Had A Limit To 200 Chapters.~