{Veronica and Herobrine 3/3}

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Herobrine entered the garden, the garden was nice when the sun was just setting and it wasn't cold so Herobrine was somewhat okay with this so far.
"You came!"
He then saw Veronica approach him, with a smile and a blue rose in her hand,"Greetings, Veronica.", she smiled, offering her hand for him to shake which Herobrine did,"Shall we have a walk around my garden?", "I suppose. . . Though, I have questions.", Veronica smiled as they walked together,"You possibly do.", Herobrine eyed her suspiciously,"Why are you trying so get me to talk to you?", Veronica turned to him,"So you noticed?", "Hard not too, I have never met someone that has actually tried to have a conversation with besides being a trap to kill me.", Veronica smiled,"Well, would it be hard to believe if I wanted to be your friend?", Herobrine nods,"Very hard to believe.", Veronica titled her head,"Something tells me, your childhood wasn't full of trust.", "Huh-?", "Your posture; You're always uptight and it's like a defence mechanism.", Herobrine stared at her,"I'm sorry-Was this a set up by Kristen so she could get me to talk.", Veronica laughed,"No, no, no. That sounds like something Katherine would do.", Herobrine sighed,"You know The Time Goddess or Lord, not sure what her title is but all I know is she is quite the lady.", Veronica smiled,"Indeed she is.", they sat down on a bench and talked about the other Gods, Hero did his best to not talk about his childhood but sometimes something slipped out.
But he felt like the information was safe with Veronica.


Veronica peered behind Kristen,"Is it bad I love him?", "Dear, I married a Mortal Hybird that I turned into a immortal.", Kristen turned to Veronica,"I think your love is less trouble than what I did to marry Philza.", Veronica nods, have smiled again,"He's such a sweetheart.", "His oblivious nature makes this either entertaining or some cheesy love story.", Veronica laughed again, Kristen smiled,"Sorry, I can't say anything; My love was forbidden but all I say Veronica is to be careful with who you tell that you love him.", Veronica nods, she already knew the risks so she was going to be careful.


"Hello, again."
Herobrine turned around, sighing at her,"You just going to pop out of nowhere these days, right?", Veronica giggled and nods,"Indeed. My determination is quite high.", Herobrine shook his head, swinging his sword and strapping it back to his belt before turning to her properly,"Well, what do you want this time?", "I came to ask something.", Herobrine leaned against the tree,"Which is?", Veronica held a red rose, confused he took it and admired it,"Consider the rose a gift, but it comes with a request.", Herobrine looked at her,"Which is. . .?", she smiled and rested a hand on his shoulder,"A date.", Herobrine blinked a few times, feeling his whole face heat up,"I-uh-Huh-?", "Do you accept?", Herobrine turned away, convinced now that his face was red,"F-Fine.", Veronica smiled, hugging him and kissing him on the cheek,"Lovely! Meet at my garden at the same time.", with that Veronica left, Herobrine was stunned and had no idea how to feel about what the heck just happened.
. . .
He looked at the rose, twirling the rose in his hands and smiling to himself.
"I'm really falling for her, am I? Is this actual love, did I have feelings this whole time???"
. . .
"Guess I'll see what the future has in store."

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