Philza sat up, confused the yell of a curse but immediately having the idea that something wasn't right.
He grabbed his glasses, hate, coat and shows, and rushed out to see the problem.~
"I'M GONNA MURDER THE MOTHER FUCKERS!!", "Foolish, Calm Down!", rushing out, he saw Wilbur trying to calm Foolish down as Techno watch, Foolish's eyes were red and his face had black creeping onto his face.
"Techno, what's going on?", Techno turned to Philza, who was still half asleep,"Sorry we woke you, Phil. But a situation has. . . Gotten a bit a out of hand.", "Yeah, no kidding.", they turned to Wilbur, who had a managed to calm Foolish down,"Dad, me and Foolish went to the edge of the Smp, we wanted to grab a few things but when we were we saw this lovely rabbit hoping towards us. Wanna know what happened; It died.", Philza was confused, Techno sighed,"The border around the Dsmp, someone has managed to make it so nothing gets in. We can't contact anyone and they can't get in.", Philza was in shock, there were many things he could have woken up to but this was not something he wanted to hear!
"Great! So, someone is literally making sure we can't get help! Great!", as Foolish was ranting and Wilbur praying to Hero himself that Foolish wouldn't lose control of himself, Philza quietly thought to himself.
. . .
So someone wants to play it that way?
So be it.
"Techno, do me a favour and anget some candles."
Without another word, Philza went back inside leaving the thre of them in confused silence.
. . .
Before the realisation hit Techno.=
Philza poured salt in a circle around d himself and The candles that had yet to be lit,"Tommy and Tubbo, I ask that you all don't break this circle no matter what. The salt keeps any unwanted spirits from escaping.", Techno but his mouth as Wilbur fidgeted with his coat,"I dunno, Phil. Last time you tried this you were unconscious for days.", that got Tommy, Tubbo and Foolish a little more worried of what Philza was about to do.
Philza just sat down within the circle, legs crossed as he lit each candle.
"If this entity wants to seal us off, then it shows it won't be playing by the rules so I won't be either. We'll be needing a lot of help."
Tubbo knocked a table over, him, Michael and Tommy hit the deck, Wilbur and Techno sat calmly but dug their nails into the wood in worry and Foolish gripped his trident in worry as well.
Philza shut his eyes, bring himself into darkness.
"Attempting again?"
"This time it will work."
"Heh. You said that each time you try again, my dear."
"This time, I'm more confident."
They waited.
Nothing seemed to happen.
. . .
"Oi, Phil are you just trying to scare-"
Then a huge symbol on the ground appeared, looking at it was fascinating but soon the room was completely bathed in the bright white light!
Foolish shut his eyes, Wilbur and Techno used their accessories, Cape and Beanie, and Tommy, Tubbo and Micheal hid behind the table screaming.
Soon the light disappeared, slowly they all opened their eyes or uncovered them and all turning to Philza as they adjusted to the light.
. . .
"Phil, what the fuck-?"
Tommy's mouth was covered by Tubbo, he was staring at Philza and there was a reason why.
Philza's hair had changed and his Amulet, his hair now had a fade of black and heck necklace thing was now purple.
Cautiously, Techno slowly approached him, not breaking the circle.
. . .
. . .
They stare.
. . .
"Long time so need."

{MCYT} •Mini Stories• <Book 2>
Fanfiction~No One Told Me Books Had A Limit To 200 Chapters.~