{Ponk's Gift.}

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=The Past=


Ponk rushed around the hospital looking for someone as another doctor was indeed of another nurse,"Rebecca, Doctor John needs you!", Rebecca nods, but giving a tried look as she rushed to find the doctor that annoyed them all.
"Mister Ponk!"
Ponk turned and saw a little boy run at him, he bent down and managed to pick him up,"Hello, bud.", "Yay! I found him first!", Foolish and Sam appeared, Foolish sighing,"You're fast. . . No fair.", Dream giggled, Ponk smiled at both kids and seeing their parental figure,"Greetings again, Sam. You here for the medication?", "Mhm.", Ponk nods and leads them down the hall.


Ponk let Dream and Foolish sit on the patient bed as Foolish tired to teach Dream the human body off a poster on the wall.
Ponk opened the cabinet and read the pill bottles,"Is the medication okay for you all, I know you're on sleep medication, medication for Foolish's condition and Dream on ADHD and sleep as well.", "No problems have accured with medication, all has been fine.", "Mister Ponk, wanna know something??", Ponk turned to Dream,"Sure, what's up kid?", "Sam's birthday is in two days!", Ponk hummed and turned to Sam,"Birthday? How old you turning.", "Uh, 21.", Ponk nods, smiling,"Well, I hope you have a great birthday in two days.","You should come!", Foolish nods,"Yeah!", Sam shook his head,"No, kids, Ponk probably will be busy with patients.", Dream and Foolish looked at one another, wondering if Ponk would turn up at the birthday.


After paying for the medication, Foolish gave Ponk a note,"Please come. Sam thinks you're very pretty.", Foolish smiled and ran after Sam and Dream, who were waiting at the door for him.
Ponk looked at the address and recognised it, he could barely remember Sam helping him when they first met so this must be where Sam lives.
"Ooh~ Was that you're boyfriend."
Ponk turned to Rebecca, pulling his mask back up,"No, Shush and go back to work!", she giggled as Ponk put the note away and returned to work.


After work, Ponk began his walk home and made sure he had an umbrella this time as it wasn't as bad as last time and he wasn't sick.
As Ponk walked down the street, he noticed a jewelry store and as he passed by, he remembered Foolish and Dream's request to attend the birthday of their dad.
". . .Hm."
Ponk opened the door to the store, closing the umbrella as he entered the store.


Looking around, there were many necklaces, rings, bracelets and much more and Ponk just wondered how so much gems could be put on a piece of metal.
"Looking for something in particular?", Ponk looked up at the woman behind the counter,"Oh, uh, sorry just looking and maybe buying.", "No worries, just let me know if ya need a hand. This place is unorganised as hell.", Ponk nods, glancing around the shop with shelves of amazing jewelry.
. . .
Ponk paused and noticed a necklace like the one he had back home,"Hm. Like it? Necklaces like that are said to have protection spells.", Ponk was surprised, but then again he fell out the window of his old apartment building back when he was a kid.
Ponk glanced it and then noticed a hairclip of a moon and star,"Hm.", "Heh. Nice ain't it, I like to think it means 'sleep and dreaming', nice huh?", Ponk nods and picks them both up and approached the counter,"I'll box them up for you.", Ponk nods as he pulls out his wallet.


Sam smiled as he watched the kids around around having fun, while the adults were talking and enjoying stories of theur childhood that were good even if Sam had blurred memories but good memories of the town that took him in and raised him.
The adults looked up,"Who could that be?", "He's here!!", Sam was confused, Dream ran over to Sam, taking his hand and pulling Sam to the door.
. . .
Ponk smiled,"Hello, Sam.", Ponk showed Foolish's note, Sam smiled,"Well, welcome to the party. Care to come in?", Ponk nods, but holds up a box to Sam,"Stopped by and got this for you.", Sam smiled, taking the box,"Thanks, you didn't have to but thanks.", Ponk smiled as Sam opened the box and was surprised.
"According to the woman, the necklace is for protection like the one I have.", Ponk shows it, Sam smiled at the gift and at Ponk,"Thank you. . . They're beautiful.", Ponk smiled and they both shared a hug.
"You two going to kiss??"
Ponk and Sam turned and saw Dream and Foolish at the door smiling, Sam sighed and turned to Ponk,"Cake?", "Sounds good.", with that Ponk entered their home.


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