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Tubbo slumped in the bar of the casino, he didn't drink but he had downed a lot of soda.
"What's up with you?"
Tubbo glanced up, seeing Jschlatt weirdly holding a bowl,"What do you want.", "I just  asked what is wrong.", he put the bowl on the table and a cat jumped up and just drank up.
Tubbo looked up at him,"You wouldn't understand. . . While my kid is being babysat by Techno or Eret, I'm here drowning my sorrows drinking soda and attacking everyone.", Tubbo drank more from his can of soda, Jschlatt watched in silence, before he pouted himself a glass of milk,"Is it about Ranboo?", Tubbo nods,"I didn't want him to die. . . He was one of the people I didn't want to die. . . Now I lost everything. . .", Jschlatt listened in silence, before sighing,"You need to stop your path of revenge on people that had nothing to do with it.", Tubbo looked at him,"Blaming others around you won't get you anywhere, no attacking others or shutting others out of your life. It will only lead you down a rabbit hole you don't want to fall down.", Tubbo stared at Jschlatt, who was drinking up his glass of milk.
"How do you know."
"Because I fell down that rabbit hole."
Tubbo stared at him in silence.


There stood Charlie, holding a lighter and standing on top of the huge amount of TNT, he only smiled and lit up the fuse.
Jschlatt felt himself be thrown back and into the water as TNT went off around them and destroying his home and everything they ever loved and built.


They stared at the ruins of their home, seeing Charlie's remains and so many lost their items and everything they worked for.
. . .
"I'll dig a grave."
Ted walked away from the crator, Jschlatt sunk to his knees, he should be yelling, cursing and crying but. . . He just felt numb.


Jschlatt looked at Tubbo,"Personal Question.", Tubbo sighed and rested his head and Jschlatt went back to petting his new kitten.

{MCYT} •Mini Stories• <Book 2>Where stories live. Discover now