All he could do it run. Run as far away from Foolish and XD as he could, he didn't want to be anywhere near that thing!
"Woah, slow down Callahan!", Callahan had accidentally nearly ran into Sapnap, he quickly gave a nod before he attempted to keep running. Attempted. Sapnap grabbed him first,"Woah, Woah, what's the rush Callahan, you look you may have seen a ghost or two.", Sapnap sat himself and Callahan down by the safe house, Callahan took a moment to really breath and collect his thoughts. Who was he kidding? Who was he going to run to, or even hide?? There was no outrunning someone who can teleport. "Now, tell me, what was the big rush about, trying to outrun someone?", Callahan opened and closed his mouth, he looked at his arm and used the pipboy to open the messages, typing it out and then casting it as a hologram above the screen.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to run into you or anything, but I have to ask something about a strange guy with Foolish. "
Sapnap read the message, smiling,"Oh, you mean XD?", Callahan nods, Sapnap sighed and leaned back,"Yeah, he's the Protector of The Server, he is a little weird but you get use to it.", Callahan couldn't believe what he was hearing, he wanted so badly to type out what XD is doing and planning, but he couldn't as it would only turn to a bunch of hastags or jumbled letters that look as if the device was breaking. He turned off the hologram and gave Sapnap a look, he took notice of it,"Hey, what's wrong? Not like XD?", Callahan nods, hoping his friend would understand that something was wrong. "Eh, Callahan, it's understanding why you don't like him, but you'll warm up to him and see he's nothing like Dream.", Callahan's mind just couldn't comprehend how Sapnap couldn't see this. . . Thing, wasn't trust worthy! "What's with the look, Callahan? Come on, the thing hasn't done much but scare a few peeps here and there." Hasn't. Done. Much. If Callahan, he would have yelled at Sapnap the truth but. . . . . .
"Such amazing work my pet.", Callahan glared up at XD, who looked down at the Smp, finally did Callahan forfill his job and help XD trick Dream's magic and get him into the Smp with a much better grip on his form,"Your service has been great.", "Good. Now stick to your end of the deal.", XD chuckled, turning to the coder of the server,"Oh, yes, my end of the bargain. Unfortunately, the deal expired.", Callahan took a step back in shock, fury building up in him,"Excuse me?! You can't just tell me the deal expired after I help you get what you wanted!", XD turned and chuckled, Callahan glared into the non-human eyes that were hidden behind a mask made to be like Dream's. "See I can, there is no need to forfil the end of the deal, you can go back to your friends and act like I'm not here.", Callahan was outraged,"What the fuck man?! If that's how it's gonna be, I'll tell Dream everything and have you out of this-!", before Callahan could walk away or even finish his sentence, XD grabbed Callahan by the jaw and forced him to look at him, digging his nails into his skin making Callahan shut up. "You won't be saying anything to anyone anymore. In fact; I think you'd be better off a little more quiet." XD's inhuman eyes began to glow a very dark green, as Callahan tried to get XD to let go, the tip of XD's fingers began to glow, Callahan felt as if something was being ripped out of his throat. Finally XD let him go, letting him drop to the ground. Callahan caught his breath, reaching up for his neck and pulling himself up, glaring at XD and tired to yell-. . . . . . Callahan froze, he tired to talk but nothing but a pathetic rasp came out,"What's the matter, Coder? Cat got your tongue.", Callahan stared at him in fear and anger, he pulled himself up and ran away.
"Callahan?" Callahan realised he was still with Sapnap, looking up and pulling himself out of his mind,"Are you okay, you look a little pale.", Callahan nods before getting up and running away, leaving Sapnap confused and a little worried.
*New Headcanon On Callahan*
Callahan: He use to be able to talk, but his voice was taken back when he use to work with XD, preventing him from speaking the truth. Dream, with the help of Fundy, built a device for Callahan to be able to communicate without having to use sign language or a notebook, Fundy called it 'Pipboy'. XD made sure that Callahan could never tell anyone about his plans, making sure any note or message on the device was corrupted. Fundy also made sure the device can do many things, as it help Callahan with coding more has he now has his work with him. 🙊
**Also, if you have seen Fallout 3, then it looks like this.**
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**If you also get the emoji, then I'm impressed.**
[Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!]
[Still Giving Angst At A Time That Is Supposed To Be Happy.] (: