{XD Tells The Truth}

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"It's just for the best. . ."
The OverSeer left Karl to explore the Other Side castle, Karl felt like he got his answers but only had more questions of like who was the last Time Traveller before him or why did he lose his memory more than Karl did.
. . .
Too many questions and not anlot of answers.
Karl looked around The Other Side, completely impressed by everything he was seeing either once or again, he couldn't wait to talk to all his friends again but. . . There was a part of him that felt responsible for their deaths, maybe if he had tried harder or knew before hand on how to change the past.
. . .
Maybe they all would have lived.
. . .
Karl sighed, sitting on the Staircase in defeat, feeling so much responsibility was just on his shoulders and he didn't even know what he was trying to prevent, Right The Wrongs, does it just mean go back in time or to the future to try and stop them from reaching a future with Ranbob?!
Karl shuddered at that memory and hoped he'd never have to see him again.
"A lot to take in?"
Karl jumped and looked up, seeing none other than XD himself,"You. . .!", "Hello, thought I'd come to check on you.", Karl glared, XD did nothing but chuckle as Ran came over, also pissed he was here,"Why is it you have come?", "Just to check on the Time Traveller, see how's settling in.", Karl stood up,"What is this XD, what are you planning?!", "Bold claim from you Karl.", Ran tapped his foot, Karl having enough of all this just stormed up to XD,"I know what you did XD, I see nightmares of what happened to Eret and Foolish, what you did to George and giving Sapnap a death book?! Why would I listen to you!", so Karl tried to leave and find a way home, but was grabbed by the arm and pulled to XD,"Karl, calm down.", "NO, I'M NOT!!-", "Stop.", Karl kept trying to struggle, but XD easily detained him,"If you just calm down and let me explain my motives then you'll maybe get more answers!", Karl slowly stopped, tried himself out and XD took him by the shoulders, making Karl look at him.
"You have, all the rights to not trust me and hate me. But you have to understand, this is my nature.", Karl gave a tired and confused look, Ran walked over,"Just tell him the truth XD, he's wandered in the dark long enough.", XD shot a soft glare at Ran, but he couldn't really blame Ran for hating his kind.
Karl await an answer, a little uncomfortable that XD had his hands on his shoulders, XD turned to Karl,"Do you know what a shinigami is?", Karl thought for a moment, shrugging a little,"I heard it from the Deathnote anime.", XD nods,"Shinigami, literally "death god" or "sky weapon", are gods or supernatural spirits that invite humans toward death in certain aspects of Japanese religion and culture. Shinigami have been described as monsters, helpers, and creatures of darkness. Shinigami are used for tales and religions in Japanese culture.", Karl nods slowly,"But what does it have to do with you??", "Because that's what I am.", Karl was taken it back, XD then held an apple,"The reason I like apples so much is because of what they represent; Sin and Temptation.", Karl nods again slowly, truing to understand and Ran sat on the Staircase.
"But. . . Then why did you try to kill Eret, he didn't do anything to you!", "He didn't. But Foolish did.", Karl was surprised, XD let Karl go and beckons him and Ran to follow, so they do but Karl hesitated a lot before following.
"There was once a time were power was the only thing Foolish cared about, he believed that the power he welded made him someone. He influenced that onto Dream, and I was. . . Called upon to teach him a lesson.", "By who?", "Notch.", Ran looked at Karl, who had no idea who that was,"For the sake your sanity, Notch isn't a nice guy.", Karl nods,"But Notch didn't understand the meaning of my kind, so when I spied upon Eret and Foolish, I knew I had to do something I couldn't take Foolish's powers so.-", "So, you took away his best friend as punishment?", XD stops walking and turns to them,"Yes. I thought I killed him, but no and I knew it was better that way or Eret's father would be coming for me.", Karl wondered who his dad was, but decided to ask later.


"So all your actions. . . Are punishments?","Indeed. George gave in to the amount of items I could give him, Sapnap got a death book and Foolish, well. He may not pass it.", Karl frowned,"Test?", "As a creature that lures mortal with Temptation and Sin, if Foolish continues to give into the amount of power I can give than he will face consequences.", Ran leaned against it,"But don't use Eret.", "I won't.", Karl put his hands in his hoodie,"So. . . Why do I come in?", "Because Karl, you are the last hope in this world.", XD turned to him,"There are many mortals and Gods I hate, but you were the only one that never gave into anything. You were smart, careful and alert.", Karl was unsure about if he could trust him.
. . .
But Right The Wrongs.

**Definitely a better motivation, now that I have a better idea of what XD is.**

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