|~|Hermitcraft 5/?|~|

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"That should do the trick."
Mumbo stepped back from the portal, admiring his work, he took out the folded sheet of paper and got the portal on.
Mumbo was caught off guard by Grian hugging him from behind,"Thank you, mortal human friend!", Mumbo sighed with relief, patting his arm,"Well, I guess you'll be heading home as I will.", Grian nods, so he approaches the portal and Mumbo went for his coat.
Mumbo turned and saw Grian had been caught in a trap,"Grian?!", Mumbo rushed over and tried to pull it off,"Mumbo!", he was pulled by Iskall and Xisuma, his friends were here and they were happy to see Grian in that trap!
"Finally! Amazing work Mumbo, but I ask you don't get attached to this monster, you did all the work despite you got kidnapped.", Mumbo looked at Grian and he looked ready to kill, Scar smirked as he knelt down at Grian,"You'll be perfect for our museum.", then Grian snapped, his eyes turning purpled and his pupils dilating and he shapeshifted into a full Watcher Form.
Grian was free from the trap, he easily defeated everyone, throwing them aside, from the Watch Tower or just knocking them out!
Mumbo was spared, he was in actual shock of what was happening right in front of him!
"Grian, stop! Their my friends!"
Grian looked at Mumbo, the expression of concern and fear made Grian stop for a moment and looked at Scar, who he was about to kill, but he let Scar go and shifted back to his normal form, surprising everyone that was still conscious of how sort the Watcher was.
"Thank you. . .", Grian shrugged"I would have gone too far. . .", he walked over to the portal and smiled at Mumbo,"I hope to see you again, Mumbo Jumbo!", with a smile, he went into the portal and it broke immediately.
. . .
Mumbo was just exhausted, that and he didn't feel well at all so he just wanted to go home.


Back home, he bought a new phone because he lost his old once and as he was going through his jacket pocket to through in the wash, he noticed something tucked away in an inside pocket.
A purple feather.
. . .
Guess he'll keep it from Scar.

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