Chapter 6

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Alana's pov
When I arrived home I went into my room and closed the door.I exhaled before walking to my closet,after picking out an outfit I threw the clothes onto my bed and began to get changed.once I got changed I decided to put on my platform boots,I don't know why,it just felt right.I left my apartment and got into my car,I typed Chris' address into the gps and began to drive to his house.the whole drive there i was so nervous,mainly about somehow getting caught.I didn't want to get fired!I also didn't want Chris' friendship with the guys destroyed.

"You've arrived,your destination is on your right."

I stopped the car and looked to my right,Chris' home wasn't that wasn't huge like Dave's,but it wasn't too small like Pat's.I got out of my car and nervously looked around as I walked towards the front door of his house,I didn't want the paparazzi spotting me somehow.they'll do anything for a good Foo Fighters scoop,Anyways:I knocked on the door and stepped back,waiting for Chris.the door then opened,Chris blushed when he saw me."woah,you actually did it."he said,"H-How do I look?"I asked nervously."pretty damn good."he said with a smile,i blushed and smiled."come on in."he said,I walked past him and into his home.

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