Chapter 39

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Alana's pov
"T-That's the last of my things."i said,putting down the last box.I had just moved into Chris' home,he was extremely happy about it and so was I."now we can start the next part,unpacking."he said,"That sh-shouldn't be a problem,I-I don't really have much."i said.he smiled,"well I hope you don't mind,but I invited the guys to help us out."he said.before I could even speak the doorbell ring,"that mu-must be them."i said.I opened the door and revealed the guys,they were all here:Dave,Taylor,Chris,Nate,Rami,and Pat,as well as Christine,Rebecca,and Kate.

"hey fellas!"Chris greeted them,I felt him putting his hand on my shoulder."heard you guys needed some help,and we just happened to be in the neighborhood."Taylor joked,we all laughed."C-Come on in guys."i said,Chris and I let them in.there wasn't really much for the guys and girls to help out with,so it was really just an excuse to hang out.while the guys were in the living room,I went into the kitchen and cracked my knuckles.

It has been a while since I cooked for a bunch of people,and I already felt bad for not contributing to the barbecue,so I figured I wanted to make something nice for the guys."need some help in here?"I heard Christine ask,I turned around and saw the girls in the kitchen."ah,ah,you guys are my guests so you should let me cook."i said,"that may be true."Rebecca walked closer to me."but you've already done so much for us and our husbands."she said,putting her hand on my shoulder."so now it's our turn to help you out."Christine and Kate nodded in agreement,I smiled happily.

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