Chapter 8

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Alana's pov
Chris held the back of my head and slowly lowered me down onto the couch,he hovered over me as we continued to kiss.we finally pulled away to breathe,"w-we should um,probably do this upstairs."I suggested as i repositioned my glasses."good idea."he said with a smile,i widened my eyes as he lifted me me up and off the couch.I held onto him as he carried me upstairs,"Chris?"i said as he carried me down the hall,"yeah?"he said as he carried me into a room."can we..take this slow?I'm at this."I asked,feeling embarrassed.Chris seemed a bit shocked when I said that,meanwhile my face was red due to how embarrassed I was."that's ok Alana."he assured me,he gently laid me down on the bed.

"I'm nervous."I admitted,"that's ok,I'll be gentle."he assured me.he cupped my cheek and kissed me,I held onto him as I kissed him back.he began to leave a trail of kisses from my lips to my neck,I moaned as I felt him suck on my neck."these are in my way."he said,taking off my shirt.I sat up a bit as he unclipped my bra,it kinda tickled when he kissed my stomach."W-What um,are you doing?"I asked nervously as he unbuttoned my pants,"relax,I'm gonna make you feel good."he said.he pulled down my pants and underwear,I moaned as Chris began to lick my clit.I gripped onto the bedsheets and moaned,Chris looked up quickly and grabbed one of my hands.

He placed it on top of his head,I gripped onto his hair as he stuck his tongue into my entrance.I felt my legs starting to shake,which made Chris take his tongue out of my entrance.I whined a bit,"oh we're just getting started baby."he said.he unbuckled his pants and pulled them down along with his boxers,he then opened the nightstand drawer and took out a condom.he opened the condom,slipped it on his dick,and aligned it in front of my entrance.I started to get nervous again,"it'll only hurt for a minute,I promise."he assured me as he began to slowly enter the tip.I nodded and held onto him,I bit my lip and squeezed my eyes shut as I felt him enter his dick into my entrance.I whimpered and quietly moaned,Chris lifted me up and sat me up on his lap,making his dick go deeper.

I gripped onto his shoulders and let out a moan."it's alright,it's ok."he assured me,he kissed my cheek.after about 5 whole minutes he began to move,thrusting up and down in me.I was basically sleeping with one of my bosses,and god damn did it feel good.Chris cupped my cheek and began to make out with me,my moans muffled as he began to go faster.I felt something building up,I didn't understand it.I was all so new to this-oh my god,Chris Shiflett took my's now just hitting me at this moment,oh my god!"c-coming!"I moaned,"me too."he grunted.he held my hips down as he went even faster,I dug my nails into his shoulder blades.we both moaned,I wrapped my legs around his hips.

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