Chapter 84(FINAL CHAPTER!)

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No one's pov
"Ladies and gentleman:mr and mrs motherfucking Shiflett!"Dave cheered.Everyone clapped and cheered,Alana and Chris smiled and laughed.Chris and Alana held hands as they first cut the cake,everyone cheered as some photographers took pictures.everyone immediately hit the dance floor,some of the guys got up and performed some songs.after that everyone sat down to eat,which is when everyone began to say their toasts.after all that it was time for Alana and Chris to slow dance,Chris gently held her hand as he led her to the dance floor.he put his hand on her hip and held her hand as they began to slow dance,"how are the contacts?"he asked."they're ok,I'm just not that used to them."she replied,"with or without glasses,your eyes are still enchanting."he said.she blushed and smiled."I love you,Alana Shiflett."he said,she giggled."I love you more Chris."she said,she gently rested her head against his chest.

The end!

Well you finally made it to the end!

I'm not sure if I'd ever make a sequel to this

But anyways

I hope you guys enjoyed this fic

I'll admit I had a lot more fun writing this one


I'll see you all later!

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