Chapter 51

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Chris' pov
"Welcome to the married club Rami."Pat joked.we all laughed,"being single was nice,but I finally found someone I want to spend the rest of my life with."Rami said."I know how you feel,I got that same exact feeling when I met Allison."Taylor said,we all nodded in agreement."speaking of marriage,what about you Chris?"Nate asked,"oh no,we ain't thinking about it marriage yet."i replied."really?"Dave asked,"I'm serious guys,we never once discussed it."i said."well,she seemed really happy about me proposing to Christine."Rami pointed out,"maybe she'll start thinking about it."Pat said."I mean..I did think about it a little bit."i admitted,"then marry her."Dave said."I..."I trailed off and sighed,"I don't know..."I said.

Alana's pov
I sighed as I gently rubbed my stomach,"whatcha thinking about girlie?"Allison said.I giggled,"you and Taylor say that a lot."I pointed out."it's true."Rebecca chimed in,handing Allison,Kate,and Christine some wine."here's your water."she said as she handed me a cup of water,"thanks Rebecca,you've got good balance."i said as she sat down next to Christine."years of practice."Rebecca said,smiling proudly."now spill the beans Al,what are you thinking about?"Christine said,I sighed."Marriage."i replied,"ooo someone's got marriage fever!"Allison squealed.I blushed in embarrassment,"Ch-Chris and I haven't even discussed marriage yet."i admitted."well you should,but maybe after Christine's wedding."Rebecca suggested,"good call."Christine said.

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