Chapter 45

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Chris' pov
"Something seems off with Alana."I admitted to Rami and Pat."what is it?"Pat asked,Rami gave me a concerned look."is she ok?"he asked worryingly,"I think...she's pregnant."i said."WHAT?!"Pat exclaimed,Rami gulped.i eyed him suspiciously,"has she told you anything?"I asked."w-what?no-no way!"he laughed nervously,Pat gave him a confused look."Rami,something's up with you."he pointed out,Rami gulped."come on man,if she told you somethings wrong then it can't be that bad."i said,I sighed."ok,but don't freak out when I tell you ok?"he said,Pat nodded."I promise."I said,Rami gulped.

Alana's pov
"So you didn't tell him yet?"Cami asked.she was on speakerphone while I was hanging out with Christine," far she only told you,me,and Rami."Christine chimed in.I sighed,"I don't know what to do..."I mumbled."you could,I don't know,tell him!"Cami exclaimed,I sighed."but I don't want to make him stressed!"i said,"I'm sure he won't mind having a forth kid."Christine said."how would Rami feel if you were pregnant?"I asked,"oh honey he'd ask me to marry him if he found out I was pregnant,that man loves me so much."she replied."he's also really good in bed."she added,winking at me."EWWW!"Cami and I exclaimed,Christine laughed.suddenly,her phone rang."that's probably Rami,I'll get it."she said,she went to her room.

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