Chapter 83

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Next chapter is the final chapter!

No one's pov
Alana tightly held her dad's arm as he led her down the aisle.she smiled as she saw all of the people her and Chris invited,when her and Chris locked eyes they both nearly teared up.Todd Valance handed his daughter to Chris before sitting down next to Isabelle(his wife),Cami,Henry,Greg,and Daisy."dearly beloved,we're gathered here to unite Christopher Aubrey Shiflett and Alana Valance in holy matrimony."the Priest began to say his speech,Chris held her hands tightly."I understand that the couples have written their own vows,so I will now let them recite it."he said,"Chris?would you like to go first?"he asked Chris.Chris nodded,Nate handed him his vows.Chris let go of Alana's hands and grabbed the vows,he cleared his throat as he opened it.

"Alana,I'll just be honest with you:I never thought I'd end up back here.I was so scared of getting married again,because I thought I'd end up losing you too.if I lost you too...I-I don't know what I'd do.I'm so happy to be here,and I can't wait to marry you."everyone was nearly in tears,including Alana."that was beautiful Chris,"the priest turned to Alana,"would you like to read your vows Alana?"he asked her.she sniffed and nodded,Maggie handed her her vows."W-Wow,I don't know if I'll be able to top that."she joked,everyone chuckled.

"Chris,I never thought it a girl like me would ever get married.I was a shy girl who never wanted to do anything,but after meeting you I've changed.just working with you and the guys has changed my whole entire life.because of you,we have a beautiful little baby girl.I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you Chris,I love you so much."at this point,both Chris and Alana were crying."may I have the rings please?"the priest asked,Liam John hopped off his seat and made his way to the priest.he handed the rings to the priest and made his way back to his brothers,the priest handed the rings to Alana and Chris.Chris' hands shook as he slipped Alana's ring on her finger,"I know pronounce you husband and wife."the priest said.Chris grabbed Alana and passionately kissed her,everyone clapped and cheered.

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