Chapter 54

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Alana's pov
"Bye girls!see you later!"Cami said as we waved goodbye to Allison,Rebecca,and Christine."bye!we'll see you later!"Christine said,Rebecca drove off."hey there ladies!"Henry said,we turned around and saw him."where's Chris?"i asked,"WAR!"we heard Liam John yell.we all looked at each other and walked inside,Cami widened her eyes and I suppressed the urge to laugh.Daisy was having a tea party with Eamon Riley while Liam John,Chris,and Greg were chasing Dashiell Ellis."well this is definitely a sight."i said,"oh yeah,definitely."Cami said.Daisy noticed me and Cami,"MOMMY AND AUNT ALANA ARE HOME!"she exclaimed."oh boy,I better duck."i said,I made my way to Chris and his boys as Greg and Daisy ran towards Henry and Cami.

"We missed you too Alana!"Eamon Riley said as he hugged my leg."awww,I missed you all too."i said as they all hugged me,"hey what about me?"Chris said jokingly.I giggled,"I missed you too honey."i said.I gently kissed his cheek,"where's our kisses?"Liam John pouted.Chris chuckled,"ok ok I'll give you guys kisses too."i said.I gave each boy a kiss on the forehead,"ok,now let's go back to playing!"Dashiell Ellis cheered.they ran off with Greg and Daisy,Henry sighed and joined them."I'll make dinner tonight,you two should rest."Cami said,"thanks sis."i said.Chris held my hand and led me up to our room,"how's the baby?"he asked as we entered our room."it's fine."i said,he crouched down to my stomach and pulled up my shirt.I smiled and giggled as he kissed my stomach,his beard tickling my stomach.

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