Chapter 30

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Chris' pov
"Alana!"I ran to Alana's apartment building,when I got to her floor her door was wide open.I widened my eyes,"Alana where are you?!"I called out as I ran inside.everything was still inside,I searched the whole apartment for her.her drawers were open and empty,as I walked back into the living room I noticed something on the floor.I walked closer to it and widened my eyes,"Oh god..."i whispered.I picked up the framed picture of me and Alana at Disney,"Alana...where are you?"I whispered to myself.

Alana's pov
"Aunt Alana!"my niece and nephew,Daisy and Greg,exclaimed as they ran towards me.I smiled as they hugged me,"how are you Alana?"Cami's husband,Henry,asked me."I've been better."I replied,"ok kids let go of your aunt,mommy and daddy need to talk to her."Cami said.Daisy and Greg nodded,they ran off to their rooms.Henry and Cami led me inside,I sat down on the couch with Cami."you want a drink Ana?"Henry asked,"I'm fine,thank you."I replied.he sat next to Cami,"do you want to talk about it?"Cami asked.I hesitated,"have you..guys read the article?"I asked them.

"We did see the title."

"But we didn't read it,and I was going to call you to see if you were ok."

I sighed and rubbed my eyes,"ok,I guess I'll explain the whole thing."i said."we're here for you."Cami assured me,patting my lap.I smiled,feeling safe with Cami and her family.I began to explain everything to them:how I got the internship,Chris and I's first conversation,and our dates.I then explained what caused me to leave,which is when I began to cry.Cami pulled me closer to her and hugged me,I hugged her back."it'll be ok Alana,I'm here for you."she assured me,I sniffed.

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