Chapter 19

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Alana's pov
There was a frantic knock at the door.I opened it,revealing a wet Chris.I widened my eyes,"tried to fight the rain,turns out nature won."he joked as I let him in."something smells good,did you make us dinner?"he asked as I closed the door,"I figured we might end up getting hungry."I replied.he smiled,"smart thinking."he said.I blushed and looked away,smiling."lucky for you I also thought two steps ahead."he said,holding up a bag(of clothes I assume)."mind if I borrow your shower?"he asked,"s-sure!go ahead,I don't mind."i said."thanks darlin."he said,I blushed."where's the bathroom?"he asked,"O-Over there."i said as I pointed at the open bathroom door."thanks a million beautiful."he said,he gave me a kiss on the cheek before going to the bathroom.I stood there,my face redder then a tomato.

I shook it off and decided to grab him a towel,I went to my room and opened up my eyes began to scan for a towel,"ah ha!he can use this one."I thought as I grabbed my white towel.I walked towards the bathroom door,I gulped."why am I so nervous all of the sudden?"I thought,"I've seen him naked before!"I reminded myself.I took a deep breath and opened the door,"C-Chris,I got you a towel."i said as I entered a bit."ah thanks Alana."he said,I tried not to look at him as I hung it up but I just couldn't help eyes ended up wandering and looking at his naked body,Chris noticed and smirked."like what you see?"he asked,I blushed in embarrassment."I-I'm sorry!i-i didn't mean to look!"I quickly apologized as I covered my eyes,I felt Chris' wet hand grabbing my wrist.

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