Chapter 50

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Christine's pov
Rami and I greeted Chris and Alana,"I can't believe you're pregnant girl!"i said to Alana.she laughed,"I can't believe it either."she said."let's talk more at the table."Rami suggested,I nodded in agreement.Rami and I led Shiflett and Alana to the table where the rest of the members and their wives were,Jordyn seemed on edge.I glared at her as Rami and I sat down,ever since Chris and Alana began to date she's been bothering Cara about it a's starting to piss me off,but today is date day so I'm trying to keep my,Rami said he had an announcement to make.Rebecca,Kate,Allison,and I were basically the only ones we like Alana.

The guys were chatting while me,Rebecca,Kate,Allison,and I were chatting.Rami got up and held up his glass,"I'm sure you guys remember that I have an announcement to make."he began to say.we all looked at him as he put his glass down,"there's something that I've wanted to do for a very long time,but I was just really nervous about be honest,I thought I wasn't ready.I thought that...would be rejected."he walked towards me."but I'm ready now,and I'm committed."he said as he got down on one knee in front of me.I gasped,"Rami..."I whispered.he held my hand and took out a ring from his pocket,tears began to form in my eyes.

Alana's pov
I gasped and held Chris' hand as Rami took out a ring from his pocket,"Christine Pillows,will you marry me?"Rami asked Christine.she began to cry and managed to say yes,Rami smiled as he slipped the ring on her finger.she stood up and kissed him,we all cheered."I'm now Christine Jaffee!"Christine cheered,I got up and hugged her.Rebecca,Kate,and Allison joined the hug.Christine gasped,"you guys can be my bridesmaids!"she exclaimed.we all gasped and squealed,"I haven't been a bridesmaid since my sister's wedding!"i said."lemme see the ring again!"Allison begged,"I was gonna say that!"Kate exclaimed.

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