Chapter 7

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I used to not like country music

But Shiflett changed my mind😂

Alana's pov
I felt like I was in a ranch,there was a lot of country stuff here."Wow,I feel like I'm in a ranch in Texas."I joked.Chris chuckled,"that's the kinda vibe I was going for."he said as he closed the front I never thought I'd ever hear Chris say the word vibe,he really is something."want something to drink?"he asked,"no,but thank you for offering."i said.he smiled and walked towards the kitchen,probably to grab himself some beer.I sat down on the couch,still looking around a bit."you seem nervous,"I turned my head and saw him walking back into the living room,he sat across from me and opened his beer.

"am I making you uncomfortable?"he asked,I shook my head no."come on,"he put his beer down on the coffee table,"tell me what's going on in that pretty little head of yours."he said.I blushed,"well..."I began to fiddle with my fingers."might as well tell him the truth."I thought,I sighed."the truth is...I've always had a little crush on you Chris,a-and it's been growing for a while...but I've been too scared to say it,even after I heard about your divorce I never wanted to just walk up to you one day and be like "hey Chris I like you let's fuck!""he chuckled when I said that.

"im just not that kind of girl,you know?"he nodded in agreement,"I'm glad that I'm here,but you're famous Chris.I know,I know,right now you're just a regular country guy.but when you're out there,you're Chris Shiflett:lead guitarist of Foo Fighters.and if people,or god forbid Dave,find our You're in love with a 24 year old girl the media will have a field day with it.and I know,age is just a number,but I don't want you to lose your job."at this point,tears were streaming down my cheeks.

Chris got up from the couch and went towards me,he sat down next to me and pulled me in for a hug.I hugged him back as I cried a bit,"Alana...I understand why you're afraid,and it's ok to be afraid."he held my chin up and made me look at him."it breaks my heart seeing you upset,I don't want you to worry."he said,gently cupping my cheek and wiping my tears with his thumb."nobody's gonna find out,eventually when the time comes we'll tell people.but I promise you,we'll be very secretive."he assured me,at that moment I believed him.I felt safe and secure in his arms,I went close to his face.I held onto him as I kissed him,I felt his tongue exploring my mouth as he kissed me back.


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