Chapter 48

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Chris Shiflett,lead guitarist of Foo Fighters,is having a baby with his girlfriend Alana Valance.Chris and Alana have been dating for 10 whole months now,and there's only one question on people's minds:what's next?

Alana's pov
"And there's only one question on people's minds:what's next?"I finished reading the article out loud to Cami."geez,"she whistled,"the media are like vultures."she said."tell me about it."i said,closing my computer and putting it off to the side."you're like a full blown celebrity now."she said,I jokingly rolled my eyes."did Shifty see the article?"she asked as I closed my laptop,"I just emailed it to him,I'm not sure if he'll be too happy about it though."I replied."I understand how he feels,he probably wanted you guys to have a normal relationship.but then again,he's Chris Shiflett."she said,"anywho,how's the baby?"she asked.I chuckled and gently put my hand on my stomach,"Chris scheduled an ultrasound today."i replied.she squealed,"i can't believe I'm going to be an aunt!"she exclaimed.I giggled,then I suddenly felt a wave of nervousness.


"Yeah Alana?"

"can I ask you a question?"

"Sure Lana,"she assured me."what is it?"she asked,"What was it like having Daisy?"I asked."To be honest,it was difficult.Henry didn't know about it Daisy at first,remember that?"she said,"yeah I remember,you were so nervous and I was sad because I felt like I couldn't help you because I wasn't there."i admitted."oh but you did help Alana,and I don't you worry at all.I mean,you're friends with the band members wives.I'm sure they can help you,i bet even Christine can help you."she assured me,I smiled."thanks Cami,I really appreciate this talk."I said,"anytime Alana."she said.

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