Chapter 58

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Chris' pov
"I'm nervous."

"It's ok to be nervous."

"Yeah easy for you to say you've done this three times,this is my first time."

"Well then I guess I'm an expert then,Huh?"

Alana and I were at the hospital,patiently waiting for the doctor to give us our ultrasound.she sighed and held my hand,"it'll be fine."I assured her as I gently kissed the side of her head.then the doctor came in,I thought I recognized him but he assured me he wasn't the same doctor that did Cara's ultrasounds."alright then,let's check up on your baby."he said,"roll up your shirt please."he instructed.Alana nodded and pulled up her shirt,the doctor proceeded to put cream on her belly."that's cold!"she squeaked,I chuckled."you'll get used to it."I assured her,the doctor turned on the screen and put the rod on top of the cream.Alana quietly gasped,I could feel my eyes watering already.

Even though I've been through this three times,it's always so magical seeing an ultrasound."that's our baby.."she whispered,I smiled and gently kissed the side of her forehead."would you like a photo?"he asked,"y-yeah."she stuttered.he smiled and printed out a photo,a nurse came in and wiped the cream off of Alana's belly with a towel.after pulling down her shirt she gently hugged me,I gently hugged her back."Still nervous?"I asked,she giggled."Nope,"she gently kissed me,"not anymore."she whispered.

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