Chapter 44

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Alana's pov
After buying a pregnancy test I drove back home and went inside.after locking the front door I went upstairs and into the bathroom,"ok,all I gotta do is pee on this stick.if I'm pregnant..."I thought.I shook my head and took out a pregnancy test from the box,I peed on it and waited.

And waited

And waited

And waited

Until 5 minutes passed.I shakily picked up the stick,scared out of my mind to even look at it.I didn't even hear the front door being unlocked as I did finally look at the test,I widened my eyes.

I'm pregnant

"Lana!baby,im home!"I heard Chris call out.I widened my eyes,I squeaked and quickly wiped my tears.I threw away the test and the box,I walked out of the bathroom and went down the stairs.Chris smiled when he saw me.he walked towards me and gently hugged me,burying his face into my glasses sat up against my forehead as I buried my face into his shoulders,"I missed you."he mumbled."I missed you more."I mumbled,"he can't know,he just can't."I thought as we pulled away from the hug."you know what?tonight,dinner's on me."he said,"really?"I asked.he nodded,"you deserve a little break,so tonight I'll make dinner and we can do whatever you want."he said.I smiled and kissed him,"you're the best."I whispered.he grinned,"anything for my darling girlfriend."he said.I blushed,we kissed again.

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