Chapter 21

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Alana's pov
Chris and I spent the rest of the time cuddling in my bed and getting to know each other more,as we cuddled I found myself tracing circles on his chest with my finger."you must really like my chest."he joked,"it's actually comforting,I like snuggling."I admitted.he seemed a bit shocked,I blushed in embarrassment and looked away."I-I also like looking at your tattoos."I admitted,"sometimes when you have your sleeves up or your chest is exposed I like to just stare at your tattoos."i confessed."why am I telling him all of this?I sound like a fucking creep!"I thought,feeling embarrassed.he smirked,"you really like my tattoos Huh?"he asked,I looked away in embarrassment."hey,hey,there's no need to be embarrassed."he assured me,he gently grabbed my chin and made me face him.

"You notice all sorts of details,I like that about you."he pointed out,i blushed but this time not out of embarrassment.he checked his watch and groaned,"shit,I gotta go."he said as he let go of me."it'll be-"I cut him off,"I-I know,it'll be suspicious if you give me a ride again tomorrow.I-I understand,don't worry."i said.he smiled,he cupped my cheeks and kissed me."i got a little plan in mind."he said,i tilted my head in confusion.

"What plan?"

"After work,you and I should go to the tattoo shop and get you a tattoo."i widened my eyes,"A-A tattoo?!"I exclaimed."are you sure?"I asked nervously,He nodded."B-But I don't know what kind of tattoo to get."I admitted."don't worry Lana,I'll help you out the whole time."he assured me,I gulped."O-Ok,I'll get a tattoo."i said confidently,he smiled.he kissed me again,"I'll schedule it when I get home."he said.I nodded,feeling a bit excited about getting a tattoo.

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