Chapter 34

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Alana's pov
A taxi stopped in front of me,I widened my eyes as I saw Chris getting out of the cab.he quickly thanked the driver as he closed the door,"Chris what the heck are you doing here?"i asked as the cab drove off."look don't get mad,but your sister told me where you were."he explained,I looked away."Alana,look at me please."he begged,he grabbed my chin and made me look at him.I could see the pain in his eyes,I hurt him badly.I began to cry,"baby why are you crying?"he asked."because I hurt you."I sobbed,"oh didn't hurt me,I hurt you.I should've been more careful,but I was reckless and stupid."he said."D-Don't say that about yourself!y-you're the smartest guy I know."i said,he looked away.

"Im so,so sorry for everything Alana.I love you,I know we say that a lot to each other but I love you."he said,he began to tear up.he got down on one knee,I widened my eyes."C-Chris?"i said,"Alana,will you be my girlfriend?"he said as he held out a ring.I quietly gasped,covering my mouth.was this really happening?"Y-Yes."I stuttered.his face lit up,tears streamed down his cheeks.he stood up and smiled as he shakily slipped the ring on my finger,I sobbed and hugged him tightly."I promise that I'll never hurt you ever again,"he whispered,we pulled away from the hug.I cupped his cheeks and passionately kissed him,he wrapped his arms around my body as he kissed me back.

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