Chapter 32

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Cami's pov
"So he's coming here,but Alana doesn't know?"Henry asked.we were currently grocery shopping while Alana was watching Daisy and Greg,"yeah pretty much."I replied."honey,im not so sure if that's a good idea."he said,grabbing some eggs."well I think it's a good idea,"I said,grabbing some cheesecake."you should've heard him on the phone,he sounded so worried.he also sounded really tired,plus he was trying to call her like five times."i said,I turned around and faced him."how would you feel if you were in his situation?"I asked,he gasped dramatically."my love,I would stop at nothing until I found you."he said,I blushed."exactly,if you think about it Chris and Alana are like us."i said as he wrapped his arms around me,"you're right."he said as he gently kissed my forehead.

Alana's pov
"Mommy and daddy are home!"Greg cheered.Cami and Henry pulled into the driveway,"are you two ready to help mommy and daddy?"I asked them."yay!"Daisy and Greg cheered,they quickly put on their shoes.I slipped on Cami's slippered and opened the door,Daisy and Greg rushed out."woah!I didn't know we hired helpers!"Henry joked,I laughed."were they a handful?be honest."Cami said,"nope,they were angels."i said.

Chris' pov
"I've made up my mind Rami,I'm going."i said as I packed up whatever I needed."we're not gonna stop you Chris."Christine assured me,"it's your decision,"Rami reminded me."I still respect it either way."Rebecca said,"go get your girl."Pat encouraged.I smiled,"thanks ladies,thanks guys."i said.I hugged them all,they hugged me back.

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