Chapter 42

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Alana's pov
"you were really adorable in that interview."i said,he blushed in embarrassment."you watched it?"he asked,I nodded."so that means-"i cut him off,"yep,I heard what you said about me."i said.he blushed even more,then he smirked."you like that?"he asked,I bit my lip and nodded.he pulled me closer to him,I giggled and we kissed I suddenly felt nauseous,I pulled away."you ok?"Chris asked,"I'm fine,I just feel a bit nauseous that's all."I replied.he immediately felt my forehead,"you don't feel warm,so it can't be a fever."he said."I'm sure it's no-"then the nausea came back,I felt like my legs were gonna turn into jello.Chris led me into the bathroom,I fell down to the floor and immediately puked in the toilet.Chris sat beside me,holding my hair back and rubbing my back.

I gagged and gasped when I finally stopped puking,my glasses were all fogged up as I repositioned them.Chris grabbed some toilet paper and gently wiped my lips,"M-Maybe it's j-just a sto-stomach bug."I managed to speak."it's ok baby I'm here,I'm gonna take care of you."he assured me,he gently lifted me up.I held onto him as he carried me up the stairs and into our room,he gently laid me down onto our bed and put the blanket over my body.

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