Chapter 80

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Chris' pov
It was the day before the wedding,and I couldn't sleep at all,Alana was sleeping over at Christine's basically the only people in the house were me,the guys,and June LeAnn.Alana wanted Cami to watch her,but I wanted to watch her because Cami already has a lot of work on her plate.I sighed,rubbing my eyes in frustration.suddenly,I heard June LeAnn crying through the baby monitor.I got out of bed and walked out of the room,making my way to her nursery.I could tell that she was having a nightmare,and it broke my heart seeing her so upset."don't cry baby."I said,picking her up.I rested her on my chest and supported her body with my arms,"shhh,shhh."i said as I gently rocked her.

"Baby keeping you up?"I heard Dave ask,I turned around and saw him."I couldn't sleep anyway."i said,Dave held out his arms.I handed June LeAnn to him,"don't worry,when Fi Fi was born she was exactly like June LeAnn.but I had a tactic,Beatle music."he said with a grin.I quietly chuckled,"well if you think it'll work then go ahead."i said.he smiled and began to rock June LeAnn in his arms,she kept crying and squirming."Yesterday,all my troubles seemed so far away.Now it looks as though they're here to stay.Oh, I believe in yesterday."Dave began to sing,but June LeAnn kept crying.I was worried about what her nightmare must've been about.but she's a baby,and you can't exactly ask a baby about their nightmare.

"Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be.There's a shadow hanging over me.Oh, yesterday came suddenly.Why she had to go?I don't know, she wouldn't say.I said something wrong,Now I long for yesterday."slowly but surely,June LeAnn began to stop squirming.I was shocked,"holy shit,is it really working?"I thought."Yesterday love was such an easy game to play.Now I need a place to hide away.Oh, I believe in yesterday."June LeAnn began to stop crying,she stared at Dave with wide eyes.I was impressed,looks like the Beatles really can solve all of your problems."Why she had to go?I don't know, she wouldn't say.I said something wrong.
Now I long for yesterday."June LeAnn yawned,which nearly melted my heart because of how cute it was.

"Yesterday love was such an easy game to play.Now I need a place to hide away.Oh, I believe in yesterday."Dave gently put her back in her crib."Mm mm mm mm mm mm mm."he finished the song,"shit man,that was good."i admitted."when V was born I would always sing her beautiful boy,but of course I switched the lyrics out with girl.and then when Harper was born I sang blackbird,but it stopped working for a while so I had to switch to something."he explained his tactic,"well,you did a pretty damn good job."i said as I patted his shoulder.he smiled,"thanks man."he said.he grabbed my shoulder and led me out of her nursery,I gently closed the door behind me.

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