Chapter 5

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Alana's pov
I sat with Rami,Pat,and Nate while Dave,Taylor,and Chris were trying to get shit faced drunk.surprisingly,Dave and Taylor drank more then Chris.well that isn't really that surprising,but still:why wasn't Chris drinking that much?"I-I gotta go-go to-to the bathroom."i said,getting up."ok,we'll watch your drink."Pat assured me,that actually made me smile a bit.I walked off to the bathroom and began to splash some water in my face,I held onto the counter of the sink as I looked down.I then looked at myself in the mirror,I sighed.

"I don't belong here,I should just go."I mumbled,as I walked out of the bathroom I ended up crashing into someone one which caused my glasses to come off my face."O-Oh god I'm so sorry!"I immediately apologized,I got down on the floor and tried to find my glasses.I ended up finding them,but someone else's hand on them.Whoever was in front of me grabbed my glasses and gently put them on my face.I widened my eyes when I saw who it was,Chris.I blushed,I slowly stood up.he stood up as well,"hey there Alana."he greeted me."H-Hi."I stuttered,he gently held my chin with his thumb and fingers.I gulped,"you know,I really wanna kiss those lips of pink and bubbly,they're perfect."he admitted.I blushed even more,"I-"i looked down and then up."w-what if someone sees us?"I asked,he smirked.

he went near my ear,"here's what you're gonna do:I'm gonna text you my address.before you come over you're gonna change into a nice cute outfit,then nobody will see us having fun."he whisper instructed.I blushed,"Chris!come on dude get wasted!"we heard Nate shout."looks like they need you."i said,"don't worry,I won't get drunk."he assured me.I tilted my head in confusion,then I immediately remembered his instructions and blushed again."see you later Alana."he said with a smile,then he walked off.I stood there for a moment,taking in what just happened.

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