Chapter 55

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time for a wedding chapter!

Rami and Christine's wedding to be more specific lol

Now let's start the chapter!

No one's pov
Christine nervously looked at herself in the mirror as Alana braided her hair and Allison did her makeup."it's almost time,is she ready?"Rebecca asked as she entered the room,"yep,she is."Alana said.Allison and Alana helped her up,"you ok?"Allison asked her."just a bit nervous,also wish my parents were here."Christine said,"it's ok,we're here for you."Alana assured her.Christine smiled at them,"I'm ready."she said to Rebecca.Rami stood in between the priest and Chris,nervously waiting for Belle.then,Pat began to play some music.everyone stood up as Rami looked at the aisle,some of the kids began to throw flowers down the aisle.he widened his eyes and nearly cried when he saw Christine.she looked so beautiful as Allison and Alana walked her down the aisle,"you got this."Alana whispered as they handed her to Rami.

"You look so beautiful babe."he whispered,holding her hands.Christine began to tear up,but she tried to not ruin her makeup.Allison and Alana smiled as they stood next to the other bridesmaids,"friends,family,we're all gathered her to unite Rami Jaffee and Christine Pillows in holy matrimony."the priest began to the priest talked.Alana's eyes wandered over to Chris,who was looking at Rami and Christine.she thought back to the conversation she had with the girls about weddings,what would me and Chris' wedding look like?who would be invited?when would it happen?would we have it before or after their kid is born?so many questions,no answers for any of them.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife!you may now kiss the bride!"

Alana snapped back into reality as Rami passionately kissed Christine,everyone cheered and clapped."mr and mrs Jaffee!"Nate cheered,Kate laughed.Rami and Christine smiled at each other as they held hands and walked down the aisle together,people threw flowers as they did."ah,that was so sweet,I can't wait to eat and dance!"Cami said,"I hope the baby lets me eat."Alana said."it better,or else I'm kicking it out."Allison joked,the girls laughed.

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