Chapter 27

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Foo fighter guitarist Chris Shiflett was seen leaving a cafe with what appears to be his new girlfriend.sources say that the woman is an intern that works for the band,said sources have been unable to find out her seems that Chris has finally found true love again,following his divorce with his wife Cara.Chris nor any Foo Fighter members have commented about this,more information will be released soon.

Alana's pov
We were so careful

How could we have gotten caught?

I was too scared to even go to work,I was rocking back and forth on my couch.we were all over every news outlet online,I jumped as I heard a knock on the door.I gulped,I hesitantly got up and went to the front door.I looked through the peephole and widened my eyes when I saw it was Dave and the guys,I unlocked the door and opened it."is it true?"Dave asked as he and guys barged in,he looked pissed.Rami and Pat didn't seem surprised,they looked disappointed.Chris looked scared and I honestly couldn't blame him,I was terrified."tell us the truth Alana,is it true?"Taylor asked,I could feel tears starting to form in my eyes.

"I-I'm sorry..."I whispered."do you realize what the both of you have done?!"Nate exclaimed,I flinched."don't yell at her."Chris growled,"back off Shiflett,we've already yelled at you."Dave said."Please don't fire Chris!"i began to beg,"Alana-"I grabbed Dave by his arms."F-Fire me!Don't fire him,fire me instead!I-Ill leave,I-I'll do whatever it takes,j-just dont fire him!"I begged,Chris widened his eyes."that's what you want?"Dave asked,I looked at Chris.then I looked at Dave and nodded,"then you're fired."he said."Dave,is that necessary?"Taylor asked,"that's what she wants,then that's what she'll get."he said.Rami and Pat gave me sympathetic looks as everyone began to walk out of my apartment,once they were gone I didn't even bother closing the door.I just sank to my knees,shaking and crying.

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