Chapter 67

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Alana's pov
"They seem to be getting along well."Cami said as we looked at dad and Chris.they were at the grill,chatting and having a good made me happy,and also relieved.the only person who didn't seem happy was mom,"don't stress about it,you shouldn't spend the week trying to satisfy her."Cami assured me when I told her how I felt."I guess you're y-"suddenly I felt a little kick,my ears twitched as I looked down at my belly,"you ok sis?"Cami asked me as she gave me a concerned look."Yeah just...I don't know I felt something weird."I said,Cami widened her eyes and gasped loudly."THE BABY'S KICKING!"she exclaimed,she nearly scrambled out of her seat.I watched in confusion as she rushed over to Chris and dragged him over here,"what's going on?"he asked in a confused tone."your baby is kicking!"Cami quickly replied,she grabbed his hand and gently placed it on top of my belly.

Not even a minute later I felt the kicking again,Chris' face lit up.he smiled,gently placing my hand on top of his hand."the baby's kicking."he managed to say,my face lit up."it is?"I asked,he nodded.I chuckled,feeling my hormones get the better of me.Chris grinned,kissing my forehead."Cami?can I speak to you alone?"I heard my mom say,Cami gulped.I gave her a concerned look,"don't worry sis,I'll be right back."she said."I'm sure it's nothing."she assured me,she walked off to mom.

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