Chapter 82

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No one's pov
Alana looked at herself in the mirror as her sister gently braided her hair a bit.she was a bit uncomfortable wearing contacts,mainly because she never wore them before,but everyone kept assuring her that she looked gorgeous with them on.still,she was nervous."there,all done."Cami said,putting her hands on her sister's shoulders.Alana grabbed her hand and gave it a tight squeeze,"are you ok?you're not getting cold feet are you?"Cami asked as she gave her sister a concerned look."I-I'm not it's just..."she sighed,"I'm just nervous ok?"she said.Cami smiled,"so was I,but it'll go away I promise."she said.she gently hugged her sister's neck,"ready girls?"they heard their dad say.

Alana turned around and saw their dad,the only man who basically accepted her and Chris' relationship.she smiled and nodded,Cami helped her up and led her towards their dad."here ya go,the final piece."Cami said,handing her a bouquet of lilacs(Alana's favorite flowers).she smiled,"time to go."their dad said.Alana took a deep breath,"I'm ready."she said confidently.Chris nervously stood at the alter with the priest,Dave,and Nate.he was getting deja vu of his wedding with Cara,Dave noticed him shuffling his feet a bit."hey."he said,putting his hand on his shoulder to get Chris' attention.Chris looked at him,"you're gonna be fine."he assured him.Chris relaxed a bit,only for his nerves to come back when he heard wedding music start to play.

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