Chapter 69

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Hehehe 69


I'm immature😅

Alana's pov
With the help of Chris I managed to get in the pool with the boys,as I moved around I saw Cami storming out of the house."Cami?what's wrong?"i asked as she started cursing to herself in Spanish,"it's mom!she's fucking pissing me off!"she said."what did she do?"I asked,she took a deep breath and sighed."don't worry about,the point is that I defended you."she said in English,"food's ready!"dad announced."YAY!"the boys cheered,"come on Alana!"Dashiell Ellis said as he held my hand.we followed Eamon Riley and Liam John out of the pool,Chris helped me out and immediately handed me a towel while Cami helped dry off the boys."the water was nice,I wish you were in there with me."i pouted,he grinned."darling if I was in there with you I wouldn't be able to control myself."he whispered in my ear,I blushed.

We held hands as he let me to the table,where we sat next to the boys(while my mom,dad,and Cami sat across from us)."this looks yummy daddy and Alana's dad!"Eamon Riley pointed out,"why thank you Eamon Riley."my dad said.Liam John was about to eat but Dashiell Ellis stopped him,"no Liam John!don't you remember that we have to say Grace?"he reminded him."ah beans,I forgot."Liam John admitted."well would one of you boys like to say Grace?"I asked,"oh!oh!me!me!"Eamon Riley said eagerly.Chris chuckled,"alright Eamon Riley,you can say Grace."he said."yes!"Eamon Riley cheered,we all put our hands together and closed our eyes.

"Dear god,it's me Eamon.thank you for the lovely barbecue that daddy and Alana's dad made,and thank you for the most excellent day!amen."he prayed,"amen."we all said.the boys began to devour their food,ok well not literally but it looked like it(them again these are Chris' boys).as I ate I whimpered and winced,"you ok darling?"Chris asked worryingly."I-I'm fine,I'm fine,my-my back just hurts a bit."i said,still feeling pain.Liam John got out of his seat and went around to me,"hey you!stop hurting Alana's back."he scolded my belly.I couldn't help but to laugh,Chris laughed as well."thanks for defending me Liam John."i said,gently hugging him.

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