Chapter 57

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Rami Jaffee,keyboardist of Foo Fighters,has married model Christine Pillows.They're currently on their honeymoon in Istanbul,Turkey.on top of that,Chris Shiflett and Alana Valance have announced that they are getting married!

Alana's pov
"How's the honeymoon going?"I asked Christine,she was currently FaceTiming me on my laptop."Ugh it's so much fun!ohhh and the sex-"I cut her off,"tmi!"i exclaimed.we both laughed,"how's everything over there?"she asked."Chris is dropping off my sister and her family to the airport right now."i replied,"aww man I'm gonna miss Cami."she whined.I giggled,"well it's not like she's just gonna move here,her kids love Arizona more than California."i pointed out."fair,fair,oh!how's the baby?"she asked,"oh!we're actually going to go to the hospital soon to do another ultrasound."i replied.she squealed,"I can't wait-"she was then cut off by Rami."hey babe want some room service?"I heard him ask.

I saw her face turn red and her eyes widen,"I gotta go!"she quickly said.then she hung up,I blushed in embarrassment."I'm just gonna assume Rami was naked and leave it at that."i thought,I closed my laptop and put it away.I got up and off the bed,I made my way to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.I was already developing a bump,I smiled as I pulled up my shirt and looked at it.I then frowned,missing Chris' touch.then,as if he was reading my mind,he came face it up,I pulled my shirt down and carefully made my way downstairs.He smiled when he saw me,"hey baby."he greeted me.I grinned and gently hugged him,he hugged me back.

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