Chapter 52

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Alana's pov
Planning a wedding is surprisingly easy...when you have a expert.I decided to invite Cami and her family to California,mainly to help plan the wedding.Henry suggested that he should help the guys plan out Rami's bachelor party,I wanted to plan Christine's bachelorette it was settled:Dave,Henry,Nate,Chris,and Taylor will help out with Rami's bachelor party while me,Rebecca,Cami,and Allison will help out with Christine's bachelorette party.meanwhile:Pat,Kate,Jordyn,and Cara will watch the kids."uncle Chris!uncle Chris!"Daisy and Greg exclaimed as they practically jumped out of the car,i blushed and smiled as they ran into Chris' arms.

"Woah there!I don't remember ordering two horses!"Chris joked.Daisy and Greg giggled and laughed as he picked them both up,"so this is California."Henry said as he looked around."so good to see you Alana,how's the baby?"Cami asked,"it's ok,perfectly healthy thank god."i said."promise you'll let me plan the baby shower?"she asked,I sighed and jokingly rolled my eyes."I promise."she said,I laughed."let me help you out there Henry."Chris said,putting down Daisy and Greg.they whined,"but uncle Chris we wanna play with the other kids!"Daisy said."don't worry kids you'll see them soon,I promise."Cami said,"would you mind helping us out though?"Henry asked them."yeah!yeah!"they exclaimed,they hopped into the open trunk and grabbed their bags.

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