Chapter 62

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Alana's pov
Chris' nightmare about me has made him extremely overprotective,to the point where I can barely do anything without him getting nervous and freaking out.of course I don't want to tell him about how I feel cause I don't know how he'll react,luckily Cami was finally here so I could vent to her about how I felt.after I told her everything she said,"girl,you guys need a break."i titled my head in confusion."now I'm no expert in male psychology,but maybe stress is getting to him."she said,"ok so what do you suggest?"I asked."well mom and dad don't come until Sunday,so why don't you let me watch the boys while you and Shifty take a little break?"she recommended,i blushed."Cami!I-I'm still pregnant!"I reminded her,"relax you're only in your second trimester."she said.

"And besides,it'll be good for both of you."she added,i sighed."I-I suppose it wouldn't be so bad..."I said,"there ya go!"she said as she patted my shoulder."now,is there anywhere you could go that's close by?"she asked,"Chris told me once he has a ranch somewhere."i replied."I expected that from him,just take him there and do whatever you gotta do.but,be back before Sunday."she instructed,"yes ma'am."i said jokingly.she laughed,"no,no,but seriously I will do that."I assured her.suddenly we heard the front door slam open,we turned around and saw Chris and the boys."YAY CARA'S HERE!"Eamon Riley exclaimed,"my favorite boys!"Cara exclaimed.

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